Friday, December 30, 2005

Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit

Yay watched WGTCOTWR (Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit) today. It overlapped my plans to train so too bad! Yay so Stine and Xin asked me yesterday night after my training whether I wanted to watch WGTCOTWR with them at 2.45 today. But I had training! So changed to 12.40 show at CineLeisure.

So we were supposed to meet up at 12 but Ivan, Keef, Xin were all late. So poor Mozzie had to endure a few minutes alone with Stine. Hahaha. Anyway that doesn't mean it's unpleasant to be with Stine alone. Maybe just a bit intimida... OH NO DON'T WHACK ME!!!

So we (excluding Keef, haven't arrived yet) went to buy some tickets buy Ceyong appeared there for no reason so I challenged him to Daytona USA again. I completed with him something like 1/2 a lap behind me or more. Also, Xin and Stine came and disturb me for the 8 dollars for the tickets DURING the game. That made me touch the grass during the easiest turn. Reminds me of Boxian pouring some drink into my pellet box.

So we got the tickets and I called Keef even though I knew he was already on the way up (means he was already in CineLeisure). Then in the middle of the conversation we saw him run past the level we were at to go straight to the top. I hung up. And we followed. Keef called again.
Keef: "Where are you?"

I: "We're already inside the theatre." <-- We were on our way up behind him actually.

Keef: "WTH! Where's my ticket??"

I: "We hid it under the rubbish bin. Go look for it." <-- Obviously hoping he would really do that. Just for laughs.

At this moment he was already looking down at us (at the escalator). NO FUN! I was really hoping he would be looking under the bin when we arrived upstairs. That'll be DAMN FUNNY!!!

Ok so now for the review. The show was very funny. A bit random and spastic but cool. The plot is rather unpredictable and sometimes little things in the movie just make it funnier. For example, Gromit and another dog were fighting in toy planes (dogfighting) and when one of the planes crashed, there was an extremely big explosion, contrary to the expectation of just a crash. The movie also had a strong hold on the audience's attention with a suitable level of suspense and action. The story is not worth mentioning.

What's amazing is the animation style. It's stop-motion animated, yet they have a rather high frame rate and even blinking and other small actions were taken care of rather well. Nothing much to say since it's nearing 1A.M. already. So overall: Hilarious! 8/10. <-- Better than Narnia.

P.S. This post was delayed by a nice telephone conversation that lasted approximately 1hour 22minutes.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Training! December 29, 2005 version

The no life life continues. Wake up at 12P.M (Computer: It's now 12P.M. *Alarm starts*), wash up, eat breakfast cum lunch, slack a bit, change clothes, go for training.

(I did all these stuff while SMSing Ding)

So I arrived at Yishun SAFRA Air Weapons Range at approximately 2.30P.M. Saw Carol Lee stoning there with a book, already half in her equipment. So I dao her and proceeded to draw my rifle. The next thing was to take out my equipment and lay them out nicely at the bay. Then I was informed about coach's arrival earliest at 5P.M! HOLY COW! So I stoned, listened to music for about 15 minutes. Then Boxian arrived! Cool! So I stopped listening to music and started to put on my equipment. Checked out my nose (the one that got bashed up) once in a while to make sure it was still there, then started training. Yay nothing special. Exceept for the change in position the day before yesterday.

About 6.30P.M. Coach arrived. Trained a little more, then started the ending sequence (10 shots, 1 on each card). Ended with 97/100 (thanks Boxian for pouring the White Tea shit into my pellet box so + one extra 9) ZIIIIIBEIIIIII!

Yay so coach didn't teach us anything before we were all worn out and left. Yay. So we're going again tomorrow in the afternoon. And to the sec one HCIARC members. Better start training. I didn't see any of you today.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Nose Job

It's quite early for blogging. But today's special! Not training today! Hahaha. Woke up at an unearthly time (6A.M.) and went to school for the orientation thing (to orientate next year's sec ones). I realised most of them were very unfun, as in they do not play along in jokes. They just stand there with a blank face. DAMN anti-climax for the jokes.

After hearing the first introduction speech by Chink, we decided that he really CMI (cannot make it). Boring boring boring speech. Even I won't want to join the club after that little speech. So Boxian and I took over the job. Yay finally we got a little more enthusiasm from them. Thus we were permanently assigned to that job. Extremely repetitive job it is. Just keep saying the same thing. Like "OK! Group XXX gather here! Welcome to the Hwa Chong Institution Air Rifle Club. As you all know, air rifle is a Group A sport here. That means it's an ELITE sport! This is due to the fact that we have won numerous medals and awards in many competitions. We're also involved in international competitions such as the SEA games and the World Cup. In fact, in the year 2003, Ong Jun Hong managed to clinch the individual silver medal at the SEA games! He lost to a world record holder by just 1.4 points! blah blah blah...".

Ok after that stuff, we (damn few people) went to play soccer. The best part of the game is that my nose got BASHED IN! YAY! Super nice huiling! But luckily it didn't break. Still feels weird though. Like a new nose or something. Hahaha. So continued playing until it started drizzling everyone balek kampong! And now I'm back home! Yay! Typing all these random shit because I really have nothing to do.

And CRAP! Dattebayo fansubbed episodes will be in MKV form from now on! Damn it'll make my folder inconsistent. Prolly will convert everything to MKV! Since it's smaller anyway. Hahaha...

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Training! December 27, 2005 version

Yay training again! Funny ah the Christmas thingy. Make me never train 3 days in a row. I went back to training happilly expecting the usual nice nice shots. But I knew something was wrong the moment I took my stance. Something was different. I knew it. But what was it? DUNNO!! Therefore I shot like crap for a approximately 1 hour.

Afterwards, I decided to HELL with it and took all my equipment off and sat down for approximately 30 minutes - stoning. Then coach came! OMG! WhOA! OK not that exciting. It's just coach. So I continued training, dry firing and all that jazz... So when I finally regained some form, coach came along and made me demo some action to pros like BOXIAN.

After pointing out some not very significant mistakes, I was suddenly on to shooting 99/100 right there! SUPER STRESSED! WTH! First shot already 9. GG SHIT. Next shot 10. Ok must shoot 8 more bulls-eyes. ANOTHER 9! END OF STORY BYEBYE!

OK. After that, coach said to shoot a few more shots to make this action better. Shoot a few more shots to make that action better. So after demoing for something like 30-45 minutes, I was still going! SO FUN! With my legs and hands shaking from stress (AWWW....), eyes tired (as always) and feet painful, I soldiered on! Super heroic. Hahaha.

No conclusion really. So random. Tomorrow must go to school at 7.30 to see new sec ones. Hahaha... Hope it'll be fun. Always looking forward to this part of the year. Bet next year's sec twos are too. They're finally seniors. Happy for them! YAY!

Monday, December 26, 2005

TCONTLTWTW and Some Scary Stuff

Heheh. Went out to watch The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. Not bad a movie, maybe because I didn't read the book. Hahaha. Yay I'll probably be reading the book when I get my hands on them. Yea this is basically what I did today not counting chasing the two girls around the whole Plaza Singapura. Good job on training for stamina! *Pats myself on the back*

The story of TCONTLTWTW (The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe) is quite cool considering I've NEVER READ THE BOOK. Ok. So the special effects were quite well done, the lion was cool from far but far from cool, the freak people of Narnia were quite zai in the war etc. The White Witch looked damn disgusting but nvm 'coz she's the bad guy/girl/wadeva. The worst part of the movie was when the lion jumped on the White Witch. It looked as if both of them were old lovers about to rekindle the flame. Seriously. Very weird. But anyway the lion kinda bit the head off (not shown, unfortunately) and THEY WON THE WAR! Very fairytale style, as expected. But quite well pulled off.

In addition, there were 2 extra comedians in the cinema (namely Keef and Mozzie) who SCREAMED whenever the lion roared. Lol attention seeking geeking freeking shits. Ok so that's basically TCONTLTWTW. Overall: Not bad! 7/10.

YEA! Now for the "Some Scary Stuff" part. First, notice the good use of alliteration here :) This will be kinda short but it'll be entertaining. HAHA. Ok there's this guy called Paul Ong from my class. Cool canoeing guy, supposedly capsizes once every 7 strokes etc. Apparently, he ate too much TURKEY! Festive seasons! His voice sounds real screwed up now. It sounds like a girl, just to clarify, girls' voices are not screwed, but they are WHEN HE IS A GUY. HAHA!

Click here to listen to sound clip 1
Click here to listen to sound clip 2

Yea that's real scary. Gotta agree. YAY!

OK. Holidays

Holidays. Always a good thing to have aren't they? Like December holidays (the undisputed, longest, ultimatest AND bestest of all school holidays). Good holidays are usually once in a few months kinda thing. Actually not usually. It's ALWAYS a once in a few months kinda thing. But the good thing about these good holidays are the fact that they LAST for a month or two! Imagine (what I'm doing now) slacking like some dead decomposing rotten browned leaf that just dropped from the tree! Really great ain't it? Like sleeping till 4PM, watching a movie every other day or just chilling out with your lovely computers/homework. However, good stuff like these don't last long. Sooner or later we'll be raked up by the end of the holidays. But no need to fret! No need to rush through your holiday homework now (I don't have any. Bite me.)! In fact, we should use all the remaining time we have to do any last minute chilling/sleeping/gaming/chaleting/stoning/chatting/doing ANYTHING but school related stuff! That's the spirit! TO ALL THOSE WHO ARE RUSHING THROUGH YOUR HOMEWORK NOW: STOP IT! ENJOY THE LAST MINUTES OF THE HOLIDAYS! THROW YOUR HOMEWORK DOWN THE DRAIN/AT THE SAVAGE DOG/INTO THE FIREPLACE/ANY RANDOM PLACE WHERE YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO FIND IT!

OK. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe in. Breathe in. Breathe in. BOOM!


Yay! More yayness in the ever yaying world. Spread the joy of yaying with your friends! You can do this by actually yaying an immense number of times in every aspect of communication related to your life. For example, you can SMS your friends messages similar to this "Yay! How are you? Yay! I'm really feeling high now. Like totally yayin' mann! YAY! Wanna go out and yay or yay or smth? That'll be really yay and yaying."

That's really lame. But seriously, try it. It's really fun and addictive. You'll start yaying in every single conversation. Remember to tell your friends I'm restarting to blog here too! Absolutely YAYIN mann.

Nothing much to say. Thus the crap. You are eligible for an apology from me. All you need to do is either 1) Tag here and say smth cool (not vulgar please) AND request an apology or 2) Leave a comment on smth cool AND request an apology. I'll be apologising full time as long as there're people requesting it! SPREAD THE NEWS!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Singapore Open Shooting Championships.

Due to several requests for an update on my blog, I have finally squeezed some time out to make a post!

After several months of continual training, not to mention the last minute chaning of hand position, I have finally achieved a new personal best of 584 (previous record was 576)! I got into finals as sixth place because everyone else screwed up. In the finals, I shot 102.7 (top score) and moved up to fifth place while the best shooter (Morgan, from RI) shot so well he ended up seventh place (from first place). After niaoing him like xiao it's time to zhao to go to Sim Lim Square.


Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Lost. Again. This time by 6 points. Last time by something like 50 points. Nothing much to say except I screwed up my first few shots. First shot: 8. Second shot: 10. Third shot: 8.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Random Linking Session 2.

Ahh.. Another Session. Theme is "Training". This edition will contain much less "notes".

Well I'm training everyday. My right eye is suffering some some weird variation of lazy eye + computer eye + don't-know-what eye. Closes more oftenly than my left eye and lags. LAGS. I HATE LAG. Especially when playing computer games. That's why I built my own PCs to be top notch (without overclocking) with all the best parts I can afford. I used to play Hitman: Contracts on my laptop at 1/2 FPS. OMFG! On my desktop, with the Radeon X800 Pro (couldn't afford XT Platinum Edition), I play at something like 60 FPS. Also, to reduce lag, we suscribed to a 6500 kbps internet connection (cannot afford 25 mbps version). Lag sucks.

Speaking about lagging, lets talk about Daniel (which one? Shooters would know). Daniel a.k.a super [stammering] man, loves to speak at hyper speed. While many people (who don't know Daniel) will consider this to be of no relation to the theme "Lag", the actual relation lies with the major flaw of this speed he has achieved. Being a ex-super-speed-speaker (ex-S^3), I know very well the problems super-speed-speaking produces. Here is the truncated list of problems I have discovered:

1) Extremely rapid heating up of the jaw.
2) Leads to stammering.
3) Nobody understands you.
4) Friction with the air will cause wear and tear of the chin.
5) Speak faster than you can process the words.
6) Possible suffocation due to lack of air being breathed in.
7) Extremely difficult to insult people when provoked.
8) Lack of confidence.

Obviously, Daniel has already reached the almost incurable "acute" stage of stammering. Problem number 3 is also quite serious. Problem number 7 occurs quite frequently in this case. Also, readers would like to know about the cancellation of problem number 8 by Daniel's extreme narcissism.

Listening to someone who stammers like there's no tomorrow and struggling to make you understand him, might be extremely amusing for a few minutes, an extreme case of boredom might set in. This is especially dangerous when you are on a MRT (train). Because of the extreme case of boredom, sleeping while travelling in a MRT becomes very common. The high lethality of this boredom, coupled with a high dosage, will cause prolonged unconsciousness. At this state of unconsciousness, an individual may be transported to the last stop of certain tracks - Hell.

Imagine this. You are with Daniel. He speaks. Suddenly, an over-whelming wave of drowsiness sweeps you into an uncontrollable deep sleep. When you wake up, you hear the friendly female voice, saying, "Hell. All passengers please alight ----- Hell." The MRT comes to a stop, and the doors open. The unstoppable rush of heat instantly incinerates your skin as arenaline pumps through your veins together with an impending sense of doom.

That was really random. Speaking about doom, have any of you tried Doom 3? The highly acclaimed graphics failed of "WOW" me. I found nothing special with the mediocre graphics, maybe because of the super-dark environments and low-poly looking characters. I think Half-Life 2's graphics far surpasses that.

Half life is a physics term used to describe the degradation of radioactive particles. Am I right? Well I can't really remember, I learnt that in Primary 5! While there is totally no relation between "half life" and "Half-Life 2", this is worth mentioning. Haha.

No more stamina to link. My hands are shaking. Fatigue is weighing my body down. My eye-lids feel like a tera-gram. My muscles feel as powerful as a dead fly. My brain works as slowly as 50 thousand AMD Athlon 64 Fx 57s. LOL!

Lack of conclusion - minus 50 points.


Saturday, July 09, 2005


Thanks to Shen Tong, I've finally remembered the taste of losing in CS. Hahaha! Although it wasn't a large margin, I lost! Yay! Nice vibrating aiming man!

Monday, July 04, 2005

Random Linking Session 1.

Trying out my skills with random linking today. As many of you might know, I'm highly skilled with the respectable art of Random Linking. So what's the rationale of this RLS? The RLS (RANDOM LINKING SESSION IF YOU ARE REALLY SO SLOW) is the brain-child of the ultimate genius (maybe not so) Crappinni (me). At 0108 hours on 04 July 2005, the RLS idea was created randomly in hope of randomly randomizing our already random lives. Without further random ado, today's random theme is none other than "Batman Begins".

Batman Begins. This highly acclaimed movie (NOTE: DO NOT TAKE INFORMATION FROM THIS POST SERIOUSLY UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE) is totally composed of random ideas worthy of praise. I meant the level of randomness. Being praised by the grand master of random ideas (NOTE: STILL CRAP) is actually extremely rare. The randomness and (unfortunately) atrocity of the ideas displayed in "Batman Begins" are highly significant in today's busy society (there you go, a random and completely irrelevant link). Like in the world of shooting, shooters often have to place all the concentration they can muster into what they are actually doing (OMFG another COMPLETELY RANDOM AND IRRELEVANT link!!). Otherwise, they will shoot something other than a bulls-eye, which links (this time it's more relevant) back to the word atrocity (which actually has no emphasis in this article).

The word "atrocity" comes from the root word "atrocious", which is defined as "shockingly brutal or cruel", which completely doesn't fit in this context. This brings me to the topic of "Context". "Context" is defined as "a discourse that surrounds a language unit and helps to determine its interpretation". Without giving a damn about what that means, we shall continue on the topic "Concentration Required in Shooting". As mentioned earlier, the ability to muster a great deal of concentration is a prerequisite to the participation in competitive shooting. The lack of concentration is a highly inhibiting factor to many shooter's potential (NOTE: This is TRUE). Kakorrhaphiophobia, which is commonly referred to as "a fear of failure", is one of the many other factors leading to the ulimate destruction of man-kind (NOTE: COMPLETE BS. However, Kakorrhaphiophobia actually is another factor that inhibits a shooter's potential).

With so many factors, it is apparent that the world is going to suffer a fate somewhat similar to whatever displayed in the movie "A Bug's Life" (NOTE: LOL.. No need to think about the link, there isn't any). With this, I would like to conclude on the first RLS session, themed "Bugs".

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Batman Begins. SUCKS!

Those of you planning to watch Batman Begins should read this post and reconsider. The rest of you, you can skip this or read on to see what's so damn bad about it.

Batman Begins. A few months ago when I first knew that it was going to come out, I said to my sister (who was enthusiastic about watching it), "Man this movie's gonna suck." ANDDDDDD I WAS RIGHT!

I predicted the sucking of this movie with a few clues:

1) Super-hero-movie mania was going on. Producers were probably trying to get a quick ride on it.
2) The character "Batman" is just a rich kid with too much time to spare.
3) The previous Batman movies sucked.

And omfg I was right. This movie looked like the producers desperately wanted to get a share from the super-hero-movie mania - and couldn't think of another hero which hasn't been used. To prove the super-hero-movie mania phenomenon, let's list some super-hero movies released recently:
1) Spiderman
2) Spiderman 2
3) Catwoman
4) Batman

Comming soon are:
1) Fantistic Four
2) Superman

OMFG so many super-hero movies! Maybe the success of Spiderman warped the minds of serveral other movie producers. I'm not saying all super-hero movies released after Spiderman will suck, but this one certainly does. Let's get more details...

Plot: Long. Draggy. The first half of the show was bullshit. And the points didn't link.

Take for example the starting. A little boy was playing, fell into an old well, bats gang bang him *FLASH* grown up bloke (who we were supposed to assume he was the future Batman) in a little prison with some nightmare shit. Doesn't link when you watch it for yourself. And nothing does in fact link until in the later part of the movie when parts of the missing links are put into place (when you already long forgotten about them).

Coolness Factor: The suit and stuff were acceptably cool, and the Batmobile was also quite cool but it looked FUGLY! The psychotic baddie was quite cool but had a VERY small role in the movie. The butler was damn cool. Even cooler than Batman himself.

Un-boringness: 0. Super draggy. Sleeping material if you wanted to be critical.

Overall: Suxxor. 1/10. Want more information on why this movie sucks? Tag to request :)

Friday, July 01, 2005

West Zone. Team Champions. Individual Champion.

290/300. And I lost 2 points to sightings. OMFG I tie with Kenneth!! Heheheh... Obviously team champs are expected. But individual champ also!!

Lol I think we beat the second school by something like 100 points? Right Boxian? And what's with the girl staring? Right Kelvin? And what's with the lack of prize giving ceremony? And WHAT'S WITH NANYANG GIRLS WINNING???? <--sry not despising.

Maybe I shld post a good pic of my double gold bag weights.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Dihydroxyphenylmethylaminoethanol sucks. It's confirmed.

Yes monthly shoot. All us shooters know about it. I don't even know my score. OMFG Boxian!!! WTH!??!?! Suddenly shoot so fast!?! 585 somemore.

Anyway dear old Dihydroxyphenylmethylaminoethanol (read my previous post on it for more information) wreaked havok. Again. While shooting plenty of 10s, suddenly an 8 will pop-up! Like 10, 9 (WTH!!), 10, 10 (again, expected), 10, 10, 10, 10 (deja vu), 10 (aiya next shot sure 10), 8 (WTH THAT WAS SO WEN3!). Yes that's the feeling. Real screwed.

Better talk to coach. Graduate in sports psychology! Must be able to help me. Especially I shoot 98 to 100/100 during trainings (excluding days when my eyes hurt or something like that).

Lets give a brief account of what happened. Firstly, the guy says stuff like "Your preparation time have ended. Competition starts!". Then my adrenaline glands starts drowning myself with Dihydroxyphenylmethylaminoethanol. I gasp for more air to nourish my brain. Then my heart beats like there's no tomorrow. I pick up the rifle, and while my rifle is shaking like hell, I try to calm down. And once I start shaking much less, I aim and fire. 10. I repeat this step over and over again for the first two series, occasionally getting a few 9s, or 8s (WTH!).

For the next few series, I have already calmed down. So just pick up the rifle, aim, shoot. 10. Second shot, 9 (WTH!!)!!!!. Ok nevermind that. Just continue. Pick up rifle, aim, shoot. 10. Repeat another 7 times. Last shot. Pick up rifle, aim (wah y so steady?), fire (wah definitely 10). 8 (OMFG WTH!!!!!!!!!!!).

Yes, you get the idea. I hope coach hasn't forgot what she learnt about sports psychology. And OMFG PLEASE CHECK MY GUN AGAIN!!

Friday, June 24, 2005

Everyday Pwnage.

Hi all! Who plays CS? Looking for someone to pwn me upside-down! Here's a screenshot of some everyday 2 on 1 Counter-Strike pwnage (BTW I'm Crappinni). Well the picture is pretty small standard 1024x768. But what's important is the score!! Look!!! So anyone who wants to attemp to pwn me please add me at! And no hacks please! And yes! I have more screenshots of pwnage!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

National Inter-School Shooting Championships.

Happy June holidays? Other than not having to go to school, sleeping till 6 P.M (NEW RECORD!) on one day and training on every single day (except Monday), really there isn't much difference. We still have maths homework enough to fill up the entire month (if you do 1 question a day), still have computer games to play, still have n00bs to pwn and still have NATIONAL INTER-SCHOOLS SHOOTING CHAMPIONSHIPS COMING UP!!!

Of course National Inter-School Shooting Championships (referred to as "nationals" after this) is damn important. Perhaps the most important for us schoolers (unless you're unreal (ok not so unreal) and go for international shit (like SEA Games or ASEAN Games or the not-so-easy-for-schoolers-to-get-into Olympic Games)). So many of us train like there's no tomorrow. Not only we train like hell, booking is a must nowadays (as predicted). After the nationals prelim rounds, only 4 schools (always the same few) for each division will be left. And the range will be empty!

For two years I have only brought back a silver cup (the first year's a freebie). Train for that gold!!! GO(ld) GO(ld) GO(ld)!

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Damn. Dihydroxyphenylmethylaminoethanol sucks. Right?

Firstly, I want to start off by saying this. Dihydroxyphenylmethylaminoethanol (pronounced asnladisbladihwbelqiwbd(lol)) is the chemical name for adrenaline or epinphrine. It stimulates the body to increase the blood pressure and also the pulse rate.

While this is essential for certain circumstances (such as bullet dodging, car dodging, ball dodging and chapteh dodging), obviously this sucks when participating in precision sports such as air rifle and perhaps archery.

Just because dihydroxyphenylmethylaminoethanol was released into my blood from the adrenal glands, I hopelessly shot three 95/100s. Goddamit. That caused me my 580+. Need some serious emotional training here. Currently, my emotional disabilities are the limiting factor of my success.

Train! Train! Train!

And God Save the Crappinni! Please?

Monday, May 30, 2005

Revival Attempt 3.

Well at least the blog has become a little more active. Encourage your friends to visit!


June holidays. They call this "holiday"? While the deadline for our MRP's (Major Research Paper) second submission is set at just after June holidays, it is obvious that they want us to finish it over the holidays. While most people will be able to complete all their work during the 30 day holiday rather relaxingly, people like me might be struggling to cope (I haven't started struggling yet, so I don't know). While I plan to start on my MRP's second submission soon, plans have already been made for me to train super-intensively (which I will voluntarily). But weighted down by MRP, SMRP and ACE, how can I train properly?

I have barely started on ACE for my 9 subjects. Or is it 10? English, Higher Chinese, Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Integrated Humanities Core, Integrated Humanities Elective, Computer Studies (have ACE?). So it's 9. I have almost 0 for everything! While I am still working on my Chinese and Physics ACE, I'm also starting on English and possibly Mathematics.

SMRP. Science Mathematics Research Program. Oddly, the name doesn't include "Computing". It should be "Science Mathematics Computing Research Program", or something like that. While my group's idea is still be processed, even after a really long time, we are patient about it (or rather we have really no time to do something about it at the moment).

I plan to complete my MRP first, followed by my ACE stuff. Because of the funny new rule about me having to complete the second submission before building my new PC. This is the SAWPIAWCAWYT (Sudden Addition Without Prior Information And Who Cares About What You Think) way of management. It's also known as "(WANE)^2". Extremely Efficient (E^2), Absolute Authority (A^2), No Negotiation (N^2), Works Wonders (W^2).

If any of you reading this feels like sponsoring some cash to my PC building funds, please email me at Be sure to subject your email as "PC Builing Funds Sponsorship"!


Revival Attempt 2.

Ok here's the sequel to the famous post "Revival Attempt 1"!!

Damn MS (Monthly Shoot). Screwed up so damn badly with my new jacket. Shot one 7, and over ten 8s. WTH!!! Never shot a 7 since I got my first korean jacket. Never shot so many 8s since I got my new rifle. And now history repeats itself with a jacket soft as hell, just like wearing 20 layers of tissue paper.

Just because I couldn't get used to it, my entire body rocked back and forth, my hand shaked because I used strength, my back was in an awkward position and my rifle was shaking like nobody's business. Tried my best to steady it, to obviously no avail.

After MS, I had to do something to forget about all these shit. I played a bit of CS with Boxian and a couple of RI people. Obviously I pwned their asses, with my first death after 22 frags. 3 on 2, where Boxian and I were the "2" side. I only started on my "death streak" when my keyboard died and probably the "W" and "A" keys were jammed. So I couldn't move properly, stop, buy, reload, or anything except move towards the foward-left corner and shoot. I got Boxian to buy me weapons with his limited cash and I just picked them up and went off. Somehow I still managed to clear team!! Woohoo! But sometimes when Boxian ran out of cash I had to "chiong pistol" and obviously I get up to a maximum 1 frag. And the cheapskate Peng Hui had to camp there with an awp just to frag an innocent-pistol-reliant-keyboard-jammed-CS-pro. And sometimes he got it (the frag), sometimes he got it (the death).

Overall, I pwned their asses together with Boxian as expected. Ended with something like 65 frags and 21 deaths even though we played for quite a few round with me having an uncontrollable-jammed-keyboard.

At night, I went to watch "Madagascar". My sister chose that movie and it was pretty lame. But think of it as comical relieve. I trained so much I cannot even recognise my leg anymore (irrelevant). My leg was warped by some serious-spam-you-arse-off-sandflies in the oh-my-god-so-heavenly-outward-bound-course. Now it's itching like hell, bleeding like hell, and screwing my legs up like hell. My arms also. My fingers also. And a little on my back. Thanks to the extremely thoughful campsite on the last night where we got to camp out with our oh-my-god-so-protective-bashar (whatever the spelling) at the oh-my-god-so-sandfly-non-infested-sandy-and-rocky-campsite-3-where-sleeping-on-the-soft-rocky-ground-was-so-comfortable. Yes people the "residential" course isn't so relaxing.


Friday, May 27, 2005

Revival Attempt 1.

Ok I shall attempt to revive the dead.

Lets see... Last day of first semester... Training... Homework... Blisters... More training... New shooting suit... Leaving form teacher...

My class organised a farewell party for my form teacher today. We ordered 3(x2) Canadian pizzas + a fairly large cake + t-shirt + large card and a nice framed photo from that party itself. With super efficient people, somehow they managed to get the picture printed!! We played music with several iPods, ate, played, stoned, and 1 person cried. Sure, all of us were pretty sad Mr. Nan was leaving us. DAMN SAD! Now we are all speculating about our new form teacher. Most probably Mrs. Goh (Biology) will become our form teacher. I hope my class can get a nice teacher just like Mr. Nan, that way, we won't die if we did lame stuff - maybe like squirting 95% ethanol solution through a Bunsen flame while aiming at a innocent unaware guy in front (although accidentally).

New suit! Good or bad? To keep up with the ever changing ISSF (International Shooting Sport Federation) rules, my new suit is super soft! Not used to it at all and I figure that I'm gonna need one WHOLE day to adapt to it. Couldn't do it today.. Maybe I was just tired. Maybe because I had to change too much at once and I just couldn't cope? Whatever, just wanna adapt to it in the end and somehow shoot over 580 this monthly shoot.

Oh crap I just lost like 15 minutes of precious sleeping time!! Should I add that I got back from training not long ago?


Sunday, May 08, 2005

I am the roxxor!

Somehow I managed to remotely edit my laptop's registry to enable automatic login. Now I can use my freaking keyboard-disabled-laptop!! I am the roxxor!!

Sunday, May 01, 2005


My laptop roxxor. The input devices got f***** up. My diagnosis is the overheating of the northbridge. Nothing I can do except send it for repair. It prolly needs some serious motherboard fixing. DAMN!!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Busy busy...

Homework, competitions, training, counter-strike. They just cannot take enough of your time. Everyday I go home (usually late) loaded either with homework or the desire to slack. Late from after trainings, afternoon lessons and intensive chapteh sessions, homework just makes my life worse.

When I reach home, what do I think of?? Homework. What homework do I have? Most commonly maths. Occasional waves of chem physics and bio worksheets. Sometimes even compositions and essay types, not to mention humanities' stuff.

Damn I'm getting too busy. Lets justify that.

Monday: School till 4pm. No training, SAFRA closed. Usually there's maths homework.
Tuesday: School till 4pm. Training if there's a competition coming soon. Usually I will be too tired to train. Usually there's maths homework.
Wednesday: School till 1.30pm. Training till around 6.30 during non-competitive times. Train till 9.30 if there's a competition. Usually maths homework.
Thursday: School till 3.20pm. Training if there's a competition coming soon. Usually there's maths homework.
Friday: School till 1.30pm. Most probably stay back after school for soccer, if not go to SAFRA for training. Usually maths homework.
Saturday: Usually no school. Training sometimes.
Sunday: No school. Training sometimes + once per month monthly shoot.

On top of all these, I still have to do my almost daily supplement of maths homework. I'm not saying that these worksheets don't make a difference to how I understand the topic. They are usually rather useful. But isn't this a bit too much??? Sometimes I just get fustrated doing similar maths problems over and over again. And tests are all over the place. Don't know about the non-IP days but I feel that there are still too many tests.

Well this blogging session has become a complain session. And I would like to add, thanks for putting this term's Chinese common test on a Wednesday, I SO NEEDED TO HAVE ANOTHER DAY WHICH I HAVE TO STAY BACK AND MISS ANOTHER DAY OF TRAINING.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Training. Poll.

Poll: Before I continue with my post, I just want to ask how many people usually click on the advertisements on websites and stuff. And I would also like to know what you guys think about advertisements. I am thinking of placing some ads here through the AdSense thing from Google. They are not pop-ups, and will just take up a little space on the corner of this site. So, who is willing to click a couple of links to help me?? Please post your comments on the comments thingy. Ok lets continue!

I went for training as usual. But just before I could put on my boots (which are worn after wearing pants), I accidentally cut my left index finger. How? No idea. It just started bleeding and 1 drop of blood dripped on the floor.

I became fustrated because I was stuck in my pants with my left index finger rendered useless (I couldn't stain my stuff with blood could I??). So I pushed out of my shooting pants and walked to the toilet without shoes to wash my bleeding finger and get some tissue paper to stop the blood and clean up the blood on the floor.

After applying some pressure, the bleeding continued. So I went to take more tissue paper, and just sat there, pressing on my finger. And finally the bleeding stopped. So I continued wearing my equipment, and accidentally, I sort of pierced it while wearing the boots. It started bleeding AGAIN. Asked Qiao ge to take tissue for me this time. Stopped the blood. Trained.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Health and Reduced Choices!

Wow I have heart murmurs! Cool! Ok not so cool actually. In fact, it's totally bad. Ok I'll give everyone the "algorithm" for discovering your very own heart murmurs!

Step 1: Get heart murmurs somehow.

Step 2: Get enrolled in OBS (Outward Bound School) when you are sec three and forget to click "A" in the EMB (Electronic Message Board) message asking for those who want to have their medical check up in school.

Step 3: Suddenly realise that you have to hand in your OBS form and also suddenly realise that you didn't click "A".

Step 4: Plan like hell to do a quick medical check up with the nearest clinic. Carry out that plan, BUT have the doctor to find out your heart murmurs.

Step 5: Get a referral to Singapore General Hospital Nation Heart Centre for a detailed check up.

Step 6: Go for your check up, making sure it's your first time there so you have to pay $70, and also make sure it's your first time having an ECG (Electrocardiogram) so you can pay $26 more.

Step 7: Go get your ECG. To get it, take a queue number, wait for damn long, go into the room, unbutton ur shirt, let them stick pads all over your freakin chest and hands, lie there and stone, and TAADAA! you get your ECG! And mine had an exceptionally high pulse rate! Why you ask? DUH first timer don't know what's happening!

Step 8: Time to get our "diagnosis". Get your second queue number, wait like hell, go into the room to meet this nice doctor with a always-ringing-phone. Afterwards, get him to say "Your ECG looks OK, please unbutton your shirt and lie down over there." Then you walk over there while unbuttoning your shirt, let him listen to your beating a bit, and get him to say, "Yes there are heart murmurs, I would require a ultrasound scan". Then get him to invite your parent in, say the exact same thing again.

Step 9: Go outside, pay $96, get your appointment date and stuff for your ultrasound scan and final diagnosis. After that, get pissed because the ultrasound scan is $330 and your final diagnosis is the day before the deadline of your OBS form.

Step 10: Go for your ultrasound scan, and wait for your final diagnosis, for me, IT'S THE NEXT DAMN WEEK!

So those were the 10 easy steps to finding your very own heart murmurs!

So next, Reduced Choices!

My previous post stated that I couldn't choose between certain parts. So ATI finally is coming out with some cool shit dual graphics cards solution! It's going to be released in 2 months and it will rival Nvidia like hell! YEA! And AMD also came out with dual cpu systems and stuff! But goddam the dual ATI graphics card and dual AMD cpus DON'T COME TOGETHER IN ONE MOTHERBOARD! OMG! HOW??

Health and Reduced Choices!

Wow I have heart murmurs! Cool! Ok not so cool actually. In fact, it's totally bad. Ok I'll give everyone the "algorithm" for discovering your very own heart murmurs!

Step 1: Get heart murmurs somehow.

Step 2: Get enrolled in OBS (Outward Bound School) when you are sec three and forget to click "A" in the EMB (Electronic Message Board) message asking for those who want to have their medical check up in school.

Step 3: Suddenly realise that you have to hand in your OBS form and also suddenly realise that you didn't click "A".

Step 4: Plan like hell to do a quick medical check up with the nearest clinic. Carry out that plan, BUT have the doctor to find out your heart murmurs.

Step 5: Get a referral to Singapore General Hospital Nation Heart Centre for a detailed check up.

Step 6: Go for your check up, making sure it's your first time there so you have to pay $70, and also make sure it's your first time having an ECG (Electrocardiogram) so you can pay $26 more.

Step 7: Go get your ECG. To get it, take a queue number, wait for damn long, go into the room, unbutton ur shirt, let them stick pads all over your freakin chest and hands, lie there and stone, and TAADAA! you get your ECG! And mine had an exceptionally high pulse rate! Why you ask? DUH first timer don't know what's happening!

Step 8: Time to get our "diagnosis". Get your second queue number, wait like hell, go into the room to meet this nice doctor with a always-ringing-phone. Afterwards, get him to say "Your ECG looks OK, please unbutton your shirt and lie down over there." Then you walk over there while unbuttoning your shirt, let him listen to your beating a bit, and get him to say, "Yes there are heart murmurs, I would require a ultrasound scan". Then get him to invite your parent in, say the exact same thing again.

Step 9: Go outside, pay $96, get your appointment date and stuff for your ultrasound scan and final diagnosis. After that, get pissed because the ultrasound scan is $330 and your final diagnosis is the day before the deadline of your OBS form.

Step 10: Go for your ultrasound scan, and wait for your final diagnosis, for me, IT'S THE NEXT DAMN WEEK!

So those were the 10 easy steps to finding your very own heart murmurs!

So next, Reduced Choices!

My previous post stated that I couldn't choose between certain parts. So ATI finally is coming out with some cool shit dual graphics cards solution! It's going to be released in 2 months and it will rival Nvidia like hell! YEA! And AMD also came out with dual cpu systems and stuff! But goddam the dual ATI graphics card and dual AMD cpus DON'T COME TOGETHER IN ONE MOTHERBOARD! OMG! HOW??

Monday, March 07, 2005


I'm going to build a new pc, that's what I think anyway. But after doing some homework and research before selecting parts, I have bumped into two great dilemmas. Let's list the required parts first:

1)ATX/Extended ATX case
2)PSU (power supply unit)
4)CPU (central processing unit)
5)RAM (random access memory)
6)Graphics Card
7)Hard Disks
8)DVD-RAM/DVD-RW burner combo*
9)CD-R/CD-RW burner combo*
10)Floppy disk drive**
11)Cooling Setup**


*Means combined usuage.
** Means optional or already have.

That's about all I can remember currently. So now, the dilemmas are about the CPU and graphics card. Let's start with the CPU because it's damn important. As many of us might know, there are 2 leading companies manufactoring CPUS. These two are AMD (Advanced Micro Devices (I think)) and Intel. Obviously, Intel was the manufactorer of choice until quite recently (1 year?) when AMD came out with their 64 bit processors. These two compete very well in the processor market and here comes the dilemma. Though many laymen (or n00bs or newbs) might decide solely on the clock speeds, it isn't the case now.

AMD Athlon 64 FX-55 is said and reviewed to be the best processor available currently, trashing Intel's processors such as Pentium 4 Extreme Edition. Although I haven't had the cold hard cash to test the difference, I believe this IS the case. Intel hasn't really been releasing REAL new processors recently, except for releasing differently architectured CPUs. An example is the Prescott, which actually doesn't really make a difference in performance, except more heat, and higher prices. I used to support Intel, but now, I can't help but say I might be changing my mind.

I have searched widely and read extensively on different viewpoints of both Intel and AMD. If I went with AMD, I would choose the AMD Athlon 64 FX-55 processor, and if I went with Intel, I would opt to have dual Intel Xeons or Intel Pentium 4 Extreme Edition. In terms of durability, Intel has the upper hand. AMD processors release quite a lot of heat. In terms of price, AMD wins. So, we come back to the main question. WHICH ONE DO I CHOOSE???

Ok. Now the graphics card problem. I support ATI obviously. I bought the X800 Pro for my desktop and it worked wonderfully. At that time, Nvidia's cards were definitely too large, and simultenously, they lost in terms of performance. Now, ATI has spit out the new 512MB ATI Radeon X850 XT Platinum Edition. It's about 300 dollars more expensive than the X800, but not worthwhile if we consider the minimal performance increase. And Nvidia unleashed it's new SLI "technology". SLI stands for "Scalable Link Interface" which allows the user (must have SLI chipset motherboard) to link 2 of their graphics cards together. The graphics cards hence combine the two GPUs' powers and use it to render as 1. Hence, there should be a theoretical increase of 100%. This is damn costly, requiring like 2 of their best graphics cards.

I cannot afford to have SLI. I don't want to waste money buying the X850 XT PE. WHAT SHOULD I DO?

After considering all the above mentioned factors, I have concluded that I should wait for a while more, allowing these companies to release better products before I start buying parts (unless there's a super large sack of cash that suddenly drops into my room).

Sunday, March 06, 2005


Wah went to archery on Friday.. Quite a short session.. Not very nice facilities so a bit sian diao.. I found a nice picture of someone and wanted to post.. But I deleted it after a while. Haha.. Guess the victim is rather relieved...

Friday, February 25, 2005

Foresight. Surprises.

Foresight is extremely important. I predicted the screwing up of this NTU Invitational Shoot, therefore, as a precaution, I signed up for Monthly Shoot. For the NTU Invitational Shoot, I hit 574, 2 points below my personal best. Kelvin won me with the same score as before, 575. Super consistant. Tomorrow, I will go and get our medals (team silver), and also my tripod. After having a nice training session with it, I will be all prepared for monthly shoot!

Although I do not believe I will be able to break my personal best after just a single training session with a new piece of equipment, I hope I can at least match it. That's damn important.

And in the previous post I displayed my results. Today, I had the confirmation from both subjects. Surprisingly, I achieved an A1 for my second Mathematics test! That just so Ub3r 1337! So now what I am lacking is the result for my English. Here are the updated results:

English: Dunno.
Chinese: A1, 81%
Mathematics: A2, Dunno how many %
Biology: A1, 75%
Physics: A1, 86%
Chemistry: A2, dunno how many %
Integrated Humanities Elective aka Geog: E8, 40% (no change)
Integrated Humanities Core: C6, 50%
Computer Studies: No test!

So my MSG becomes (1+1+1+2+2+7)/6 = 2.33333333333333333333333333, approx. 2.3, which is still damn good. Let's say I get A2 for my English, then it becomes (1+1+1+2+2+2+7)/7 = 2.2857142857142857142857142857143, approx. 2.28, which is also damn good, so lets all hope I get an A for my English!

Thursday, February 24, 2005


After what seemed to be an ever-lasting period of tests, I, along with most of my classmates, emerged from the classroom, alive, surprisingly. So here are the results for the term:

English: Dunno.
Chinese: A1, 81%
Mathematics: C6*, 50%
Biology: A1, 75%
Physics: A1, 86%
Chemistry: A2, dunno how many %
Integrated Humanities Elective aka Geog: E8*, 40%
Integrated Humanities Core: C6, 50%
Computer Studies: No test!
* means unconfirmed, second test result unrevealed.

Counting the known results, including the current Maths and Geog results, my MSG is a grand 3.0! Note - humanities are counted under one subject. As we all can see, I am really screwed, as expected. For Geog, I have a chance of going up to a maximum of C5. For Maths, a maximum of A1. So let's calculate the best MSG I can get:

(1+1+1+1+1+2+5)/7 = 1.71428571428571428571428571, approx. 1.7, which is damn good for the first term in sec three! But it's impossible anyway.

Tomorrow, I will compete in NTU Invitational Shoot. I do not expect anything much from it, at least not when I have not trained for the past three weeks, not counting today and yesterday. Obviously I had to train like hell. I bruised my knuckles, and now they have this perpetually raw, red colour. Damn it hurts. Even when I just put on the glove.

Losing is not a sweet experience for most of us. However, it's inevitable in cases like this. I am going to fall behind my personal best set previously during the SAFRA Invitational Shoot. Do not expect much, for expectations are nothing but imaginations. Two days after NTU Invitational Shoot, however, I aim to rise again, and defeat my personal best of 576 during the Monthly Shoot!



Sunday, February 20, 2005


Slept till 3. Planned to train today but obviously it was too late. So training on Sunday instead. Unless I oversleep again. I woke up so late I acually did nothing much.

I used the computer a bit, then we went out for dinner with my grandmother as usual. Ate dinner at Bali Thai in IMM, then went to buy my mother's new handphone, which was rather cheap. Sony Ericsson phone, so I didn't really support the buy. But anyway we tried the camera and all, and the quality obviously loses to my phone, the Nokia 6670, which incidentally has a 1 megapixel camera.

My father and I went to pick up my sister at Hwa Chong Institution, college side, before returning to IMM. My sister and I went to pick my mother and grandmother up, and I went to buy the better version of Kung Fu Hustle DVD. Luckily it had Cantonese, which sounded much better and more natural. That's out of point. So we loaded the groceries and stuff into the car boot, when a good passer-by came out and said, "Your tyre is flattened," while pointing at the left rear tyre. I was like, "What the?", but when I looked down, the damn thing really was flattened.

I showed it to my father, and we were like "Shit!". Therefore, we unloaded all the things from the boot, placed them in the car, sent my grandmother into the building with my sister to take a sit, and tried to recall how to change a tyre. I never saw someone changing a tyre before, and neither has my mother. My mother has the theory while my father had both the theory and experience, 20 years ago. So we took out the tools, my father made me take the spare tyre out, and we looked all the place for the damn jack. Finally, I found it hiding inside a compartment, which was covered by a unscrewable cap. The whole damn thing was camouflaged. So I opened the thing, to find the jack, mounted onto some kind of bracket. We tried to take it out, finally giving up and calling the car selling agent. He told us were aupposed to turn the black knob and so we did. Magically, the damn thing came lose and I took it out.

Next, we, or rather, I, was supposed to jack the car up. But, HOW THE HELL DO I DO THAT? So my father told me, "See the gap here?" while pointing at the gap on the jack, and continued by saying "there's a groove at around that area, this goes there." So I kneeled down, and mounted the jack on the grooves. Then I turned the damn knob using an assortment of tools to jack it up. Before jacking it completely, we, or rather, I, had a hard time unscrewing the bolts. I then jacked the whole car up, took the tyre out, and put the new one in. I lowered the car, tightened the bolts, replaced the cap, kept the tools and jack, and threw the screwed up tyre in boot, and went to wash my entirely black hands.

We realised that there was a small little nail with a diameter not wider than 0.25cm stuck in the tyre. Damn that nail!

Went home to watch Kung Fu Hustle, cut my nails, as in those growing on my fingers, blogged!

Friday, February 18, 2005

Soccer and IHC

IHC is gay. Tested on "the rise of nationalism in Indonesia and Thailand". Like WTF! Study for like 4 hours for that 40 minutes test. WTF! Must remember all those guai lan names like Chulalongkorn, Vajiravudh, Prajadhipok for Thailand, and for Indonesia even worse. Not only that. Must also remember what they did that led to the rise of nationalism. There are like 10 points for Indonesia and for Thailand it is the rule of 2 kings + a prime minister. Happy New Year. F9.

After the test, I slacked, and inhaled a whole lot of aqueous ammonia fumes. We also had fun touching the aqueous sodium hydroxide and trying to wash the soapy feeling off. For training, we ran up 6 levels of steps and down twice. Finished in 1 minute and 45 seconds isit? Then this little sec one had to pull us down so the whole group pump 7. 7 is damn little but I just finished punishing the C Div' captain, did 30 standard pumping with him + ran the damn steps like xiao. After that, we were supposed to be panting like hell, shooting 10 shots. But the timing was wrong, and we could rest while waiting for the previous detail to end. When they ended, we had to pump 10 more to increase our pulse rate. Sadistic. Shot like 65! Wth. No suit, no golve, no shoes, no shooting glasses, and no proper rifle. I could hardly see the target or keep my relationship correct. Simultenously, I was shaking like shit, the cheek piece wasn't high enough and the rear sight was too close my eye.

After "30" more pumping, we went to play soccer. Then it started raining like hell. It was about 5pm. So we decided to wait. We juggled the ball in the shelter, and did lame stuff like volleying at sec 1s and air trapping. When the rain finally stopped, only 6 people were left. We we played 3 on 3. Glenn and I changed into our boots to scare the shit out of the sec 1s. I realised that my Predator Pulse's outsole cannot be used effectively when it is wet, so no banana kick. It just slips off my Roteiro. So we played, and it started to rain, but we continued playing until we were all soaked. The people in the bus probably didn't like seeing us all wet and grassy.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

First Blog Since ???

While chatting with Keef, I suddenly remembered that I haven't blogged for like 1 and a half weeks. With guilt weighing me down, I tried to give myself excuses. They sounded quite reasonable fortunately...

Went to Malaysia for "CNY Celebration" with my relatives. It was more like "CNY Castration". Whoa.. A bit exaggerated. The four hour ride to Kota Tinggi was almost living hell. Who wants to watch Constantine on Friday? Ok. Out of point. Back to the livcar ride. Since the nearest airport was at KL, duh we had to drive. My father drove as usual and my mother, my sister and I just stoned, slept and talked. Mostly sleeping. As most of us might know, Malaysia is an extremely temperature friendly country, giving shockingly high points (degrees Celsius). With an extremely comforting array of concrete, brick and stone (and various other materials) buildings, the temperature is amplified (is it approiate to use this term?) to the maximum temperature potential. So I will stop being sacarstic here. It was damn frickin hot there. Almost shit boiling. Like Nanyang Primary School (new building) as I realised a few years ago and remembered yesterday. For a more detailed explanation or elaboration, please proceed to the next paragraph.

Nanyang Primary School. One of the most sought after primary school. I graduated from this school. Old building. They started using the new campus immediately after my batch of students left. Many of us felt deprived. We contributed quite a lot for that building but we didn't get to use it. But I moved on to The Chinese High School with little reluctance. I always wanted to be in TCHS since I knew my father was working there, which was probably the day I knew anything. TCHS is always decribed as a heaven of the secondary schools, with the largest secondary school campus and all. Back to the NYPS thing. During CNY when I was sec 1, I returned to NYPS, once more proving many of my teachers wrong. Many (or most) of them probably thought I would never make it to TCHS. There is one specific teacher, which I will not name here, who even released his/her (not even the gender should be revealed) thoughts to the world around her. I knew, and I remembered. And I shall continue to. Time passed like a speeding pellet. PSLE had arrived. That was the time I should go against all odds, and bust that "confirmed" prediction.

A little background before I go on to the PSLE stage. I achieved a remarkable (bleh) 220 for my prelims. Results reflect the time spent studying. 220 was not at all desirable. The month before PSLE, my father aided me. I studied like bloody hell, not even looking at the computer. I knew I had to concentrate to get pass this barrier. I did not even think about playing. That month, it was pure studying. I revised everything, even my maths and science, which I always aced easily (not now). PSLE came, and went. As usual, time passed quickly. Results were going to be released. I had no confidence on myself. I dreaded that day more than any day ever. But I had to face the reality. It had to come.

I was mentally prepared for the worst. I sat in class, with my head facing the hard, tiled floor. My ex-form teacher told us that there was a tie between two students for the top position (in class). First was Valerie (now in MGS). Since girls' results were announced first, Valerie's results were quickly publicised. I looked up and saw my ex-form teacher give me a smile. I was like, "Huh? Like that also can smile?". I can bet at that moment everyone who hadn't gotten their results hoped they were the one who tied. My turn came, the teacher started off the sentence with these words (in Chinese) "The second person who tied". So anyway I was shocked. Only could say "Walao!" over and over again. I glanced at the laminated result sheet. English: A; Chinese: A*; Mathematics: A*; Science: A*. Aggregate: 266. At least I confirmed a place in TCHS. At that time I was too happy to remember the specific teacher and her prophecy.

So back to the NYPS thing. Quite an extreme sidetrack there.. When I returned as an ex-student, I realised immediately that NYPS was not at all a place that I desired to study in. The trees were not much taller than 2m and the entire place was built of concrete, having only occasional patches of grass. The hard stone floor and walls radiated heat and reflected the glaring sun light. Even the space between the small track was hard stone, as it was replaced, instead of grass, with a basketball court. Can you imagine how bloody hot it was? TCHS is a total paradise compared that that concrete jungle. How the hell did they live there???

Back to my first point. Malaysia. It was sometime like that. Hardly any greenery. So it was frickin hot. I reached my uncle's house and stoned quite a bit there. Then we went to check in to the hotel. Stoned a bit more. Went back to uncle's house, stone a lot more, went back to hotel. Watched fireworks. Slept...

To be continued...

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Safra Regional Shoot and The DBI

DBI stands for "Day Before It". Yes, the day before today = yesterday. Yesterday I went to SAFRA from school after the slack lessons to some non-slack training. The whole range was freaking full and since Jianghao and Kelvin got there before us (Boxian and me), they got the 2 allocated lanes for HCI (Hwa Chong Institution). Boxian used a lane close to his competition bay, risking having to move out anytime while I just trained at the coach's bays. I had to endure the extreme heat of the room and worse the noise from the freaking noisy sec twos, namely DANIEL <-- If you are reading this I just want you to know you are going to pump like hell one day.

Anyway I trained pretty well and since I already made an agreement with Jianghao to let me use his lane after a while, I just beared with the FREAKING NOISE. Finally, at about 4.30, sweating and irritated, I moved out. I continued to train at lane no-idea-what-number-it-is for a while until they came to test the finals machines thing. So I packed everything ready to go home. Then I saw Qiao-ge at the coach's bays area asking me to train inside. So I just went and re-filled my gas cylinder, went inside and released about 5 air shots and started to train, AGAIN. Anyway hard work pays off a little.

So it reached today, SAFRA Regional Shoot. First time using my P700 in a competition and all. So I just went there, stressed to the core, sandwiched between a XMSS shooter and a TSS shooter. The TSS shooter shot damn fast and ended with a score of 480+ or 380+ (Can't remember la. And I didn't know the scores at that time by the way). So anyway I just continued shooting slowly. Then there was this fateful shot. I aimed, I pulled the trigger to the first pressure, I concentrated on the relationship and aiming picture, then I pulled to second pressure (or so I thought), then I shifted the rifle, then BAM! SHIT! 8!! Anyway that was my only 8. Damn sad. So I finished before the XMSS guy behind me. Estimated about 570+.

Packed all my stuff knowing I can definitely not get into the finals. Went to eat wif LJH and OBX. Came back and saw the scores, 576! Not really good considering my target was 580+. But I was satisfied with the 12 position, losing only to the pros. Best of all I beat Kelvin and Ronald!! Haha.. Exact same score with Junyang but I had a higher seconds last series (last series was the same) so I won him!! No tripod and all.. Haha...

Wah not bad right? 576. But I am still going to train and finally achieve my goal! To be continued..

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Training (again) and Coach's Mini Competition

Woke up about 9 and left for safra at 9:45. Took a cab as usual and reached there at about 10. Nothing special was happening except maybe the whole gang of sec twos crowding around the counter. After I finally drew my weapon and equipment, I started training.

Still felt a bit sleepy. I realised that my butt plate was too high and cheek piece was too low. So I just adjusted and continued training. Sat down after 20 mins (too sleepy). Adjusted my cheek piece's angle and position while sitting. After that the cheek piece was puuurfect! Shot quite well but after about 2 hours coach started the Mini Competition (MC).

Wth I did not have enough cards so coach gave me a stack anyway. I was like "Wah. So many cards". But as usual I counted the number of cards and the counting returned 6 sets of 10s and a extra 5 cards (65). So I shot 5 sighters and went on to speed shoot (trying to ignore the pain and finish quickly at the same time). I shot uber fast unlike my normal self. After what seemed to be 50 shots (I didn't count), I was thinking "Wah kao.. 60 shots so many meh??". Anyway I finished shooting asap.

When I was counting the score, I realised that I SHOT 10 EXTRA FREAKIN SHOTS! Anyway I got 573 for the first 6 series. END!!! Playing CS!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Camps and Miracles.

Nanyang Primary School's P5 camp today. I led 27 people to facilitate the camp. However, the instructors thought we were supposed to help the teachers, who actually do nothing, as in really nothing.

We met in NYPS at abt 8. Then I sorted them into groups with Ceyong screwing most stuff up by not following instuctions. Anyway I finally managed after quite a long time. Then I started learning the Elf Dance... (Learning.. learning..)

Anyway the camp started off really boring as the pairs led their classes and the VIP (Keef, Yu Xuan and I) just did the random work. We did stuff like preventing the blind lamers from tripping over tent pegs (DOH!). Like quite a few people fell. Thought the pegs were like damn obvious (DOUBLE DOH!). Anyway some of them served lunch and stuff.

By the way, I was able to do the Elf Dance after about 1 1/2 hours. Back to the camp thing. Since we were really bored and pissed, the VIPs decided to discuss this with the dua pai guy aka "Wax". Anyway, after a long discussion, he decided we could change the camp organisation a bit so we could do more stuff. Anyway, we (the VIPs) ran around informing everyone about the new plans. (My HP connected to the damn Malaysian line!!)

Anyway we did lame stuff like that basically. We also saw Bert and Jayliang kenna drenched. I also developed the taught the VIP cheer to the other 2 VIPs. It was a real morale booster.

Anyway, this is a real short miracle. No idea how it happened but... MY SOCIAL STUDIES HW WAS POSTPONED!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Meetings. Training. Homework.

So basically I went to school. So it's pretty straight forward. Dismissed with Mathematics (super sadistically difficult so I can't even do 1 out if 7 questions) and Biology. Went to try and deposit the Class Funds but the damn room wasn't open. So anyway I went to throw my stuff into my father's car, then went to look for NanZG (wasn't there) to return the class funds for safe-keeping. Anyway when I finally could go to the canteen for lunch there wasn't enough time to eat. So I bought a sandwich and went outside LT3 to play chapteh while eating and waiting for the junior instructors meeting(talk about multi-tasking). So we went to the meeting and discussed the usual stuff. Dismissed with me and Clement each leading a group of 14 boys and 14 girls to facilitate the NYPS camp. After that I had to rush to Yishun SAFRA for some sec 2 c div' selection shit. I reached there and started doing my maths (still stuck at first question). I wrote 18 steps of some super complicated algebra+SURDS+quadratic equations+all other kinds of shit. 3 times. And I still couldn't do it. Anyway we were damn happy when we found out that the new rifles finally arrived. We unpacked them and packed them. One of the rifles were assigned to Ronald (sadly) and the other was supposed to be used by Kelvin, Boxian and I. So we realised that that was too stupid and troublesome we decided to "chee-ko-pa" it out. And I won so the rifle is mine :) Anyway I trained a little and realised that my rifle (Feinwerkbau Model 603) was still spoilt. So anyway I got kind of pissed so I stopped at abot 6:30P.M. Packed up my stuff and went home. So when I reached home (8P.M) I ate my dinner hungarily (I didn't eat lunch). Then I re-visted my seven maths questions and realised that there was no point since nobody was able to do either of the questions and my JC1 sister couldn't do it either (expected). Anyway I finished my IHC homework and continued to be pissed with my maths. So here I am blogging and yes this is a pretty long paragraph. Nothing else to say. EOS (End of Story)

Monday, January 10, 2005


PE tommorrow. Can't log in to IVLE. No luck with FTP. Afternoon lessons tomorrow. <--in order or shittiness.

Sunday, January 09, 2005


The title's crap. This has got nothing to do with pwnage.
Anyway let's blog away. Here I am sitting in front of my dual monitor laptop that's connected to a 200 watt sound system and my wireless network (including printer and 3000kbps internet connection), thinking of what to type really. With Boxian's blog on my right monitor, I am simultenously (spelling?) writing and reading. It's a test for my multi-tasking ability [otherwise known as Hyper-Threading Technology (click here for more details)].

Anyway, that's more than enough for computer jargon. Testing out my other language in preparation for my first computer studies (C++) lesson tomorrow. Anyway, I was searching for a more suitable GameBoy Color emulator for my handphone running Symbian OS. It's said that my handphone has a 100megahertz central processing unit (CPU) capable of emulating the GameBoy Color environment. So I went on a full scale search, and it ended with 3 results. vBoy, GoBoy and some other lame useless thing I didn't even consider. vBoy is said to be the best by many, and GoBoy is also said to be the best by many. So I tried GoBoy (it's free, unlike vBoy) and realised it didn't have colour (so much for a GBC emulator). Yes anyway I uninstalled it (didn't like it).

And back to the file transfer protocol (ftp) problem. No idea what happened.

Mmmm.. I am thinking about something to say..

Oh maybe my Biology lessons (endosymbiotic theory related jargon) or my recent experiences pwning people in CS (hmm.. seems a bit related to the title...)? Nothing much to say. And I have to go to school tomorrow.

Anyway let's all play Pokemon on our phones. We pwn (some relation here)! Anyway I will try to speak in more complicated computer terms from now on.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

super training

Weekends finally. Trained from about 3:30 to 8:30. 1 hour for fixing rifle though. Haha. One of the cards after the fix.

I can't ftp. Some error. I will throw the pic in some other day. Those who carn wait can ask me for it :)

It's a 10.9 for those who don't know. Shot quite a few though I only wanted to keep one. And note the spastic name error. Was like damn tired but still continued training anyway. Since I have afternoon lessons on Monday (SAFRA closed), Tuesday and Thursday, I can only go to SAFRA on Wednesday and Friday. Sad.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Time Table Blues

Damn. Look at my time table.. It's the reason why this post will be short. I am going to rest as much as I can in preparation for tomorrow... I hope I survive the first few weeks before I get used to the super time table..

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Nothing Much and a Personal Recount

Nothing much done today.. Except re-re-re-reading Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire.. Dunno why every time i read it I will skip the first 3 chapters.. Haha...

Anyway I found out that my wireless internet connection isn't super stable.. It disconnects me from time to time. Anyway that's not very important :) I tried out my phone's features today.. Everythings cool except the last row of keys on the keypad. They are rather small and difficult to press.. And I still have to get used to the new keypad layout. And especially the new menu button and clear button (I keep pressing "Close"). I transfered some mp3 files and they sounded pretty good to me (for a phone). I also made my own Hitman: Contracts theme even though I don't use it (will cause lag - and I hate lag).

Time passes so quickly goddamnit. School is going to re-open in 2 days and I haven't even bought my new PE- t-shirt. I also need to buy new pants (damn I am getting fat!). I still remember how I felt just before taking my PSLE results. It was something like this...

End of Year 2002 (after PSLE but 2 days before release of results): I was bathing one day and at the same time I was dreading about the release of my PSLE results. I had 220 (exactly) for my prelims and I was expecting around 230 for my actual PSLE results. I studied like hell for PSLE (1 month) but anyway I still had little confidence in myself. So anyway I was dreading it.. And (surprise, surprise!) the day came (duh 2 days later). I was thinking "shit, shit" when I was sitting in the classroom. Anyway the teacher announced the highest scorer (Valerie) and she (the form teacher) said there was a tie for the highest scoring place. Anyway all I can say I was tied to that place. *END*