Monday, May 30, 2005

Revival Attempt 3.

Well at least the blog has become a little more active. Encourage your friends to visit!


June holidays. They call this "holiday"? While the deadline for our MRP's (Major Research Paper) second submission is set at just after June holidays, it is obvious that they want us to finish it over the holidays. While most people will be able to complete all their work during the 30 day holiday rather relaxingly, people like me might be struggling to cope (I haven't started struggling yet, so I don't know). While I plan to start on my MRP's second submission soon, plans have already been made for me to train super-intensively (which I will voluntarily). But weighted down by MRP, SMRP and ACE, how can I train properly?

I have barely started on ACE for my 9 subjects. Or is it 10? English, Higher Chinese, Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Integrated Humanities Core, Integrated Humanities Elective, Computer Studies (have ACE?). So it's 9. I have almost 0 for everything! While I am still working on my Chinese and Physics ACE, I'm also starting on English and possibly Mathematics.

SMRP. Science Mathematics Research Program. Oddly, the name doesn't include "Computing". It should be "Science Mathematics Computing Research Program", or something like that. While my group's idea is still be processed, even after a really long time, we are patient about it (or rather we have really no time to do something about it at the moment).

I plan to complete my MRP first, followed by my ACE stuff. Because of the funny new rule about me having to complete the second submission before building my new PC. This is the SAWPIAWCAWYT (Sudden Addition Without Prior Information And Who Cares About What You Think) way of management. It's also known as "(WANE)^2". Extremely Efficient (E^2), Absolute Authority (A^2), No Negotiation (N^2), Works Wonders (W^2).

If any of you reading this feels like sponsoring some cash to my PC building funds, please email me at Be sure to subject your email as "PC Builing Funds Sponsorship"!


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