Saturday, January 22, 2005

Training (again) and Coach's Mini Competition

Woke up about 9 and left for safra at 9:45. Took a cab as usual and reached there at about 10. Nothing special was happening except maybe the whole gang of sec twos crowding around the counter. After I finally drew my weapon and equipment, I started training.

Still felt a bit sleepy. I realised that my butt plate was too high and cheek piece was too low. So I just adjusted and continued training. Sat down after 20 mins (too sleepy). Adjusted my cheek piece's angle and position while sitting. After that the cheek piece was puuurfect! Shot quite well but after about 2 hours coach started the Mini Competition (MC).

Wth I did not have enough cards so coach gave me a stack anyway. I was like "Wah. So many cards". But as usual I counted the number of cards and the counting returned 6 sets of 10s and a extra 5 cards (65). So I shot 5 sighters and went on to speed shoot (trying to ignore the pain and finish quickly at the same time). I shot uber fast unlike my normal self. After what seemed to be 50 shots (I didn't count), I was thinking "Wah kao.. 60 shots so many meh??". Anyway I finished shooting asap.

When I was counting the score, I realised that I SHOT 10 EXTRA FREAKIN SHOTS! Anyway I got 573 for the first 6 series. END!!! Playing CS!!

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