Sunday, July 10, 2005

Random Linking Session 2.

Ahh.. Another Session. Theme is "Training". This edition will contain much less "notes".

Well I'm training everyday. My right eye is suffering some some weird variation of lazy eye + computer eye + don't-know-what eye. Closes more oftenly than my left eye and lags. LAGS. I HATE LAG. Especially when playing computer games. That's why I built my own PCs to be top notch (without overclocking) with all the best parts I can afford. I used to play Hitman: Contracts on my laptop at 1/2 FPS. OMFG! On my desktop, with the Radeon X800 Pro (couldn't afford XT Platinum Edition), I play at something like 60 FPS. Also, to reduce lag, we suscribed to a 6500 kbps internet connection (cannot afford 25 mbps version). Lag sucks.

Speaking about lagging, lets talk about Daniel (which one? Shooters would know). Daniel a.k.a super [stammering] man, loves to speak at hyper speed. While many people (who don't know Daniel) will consider this to be of no relation to the theme "Lag", the actual relation lies with the major flaw of this speed he has achieved. Being a ex-super-speed-speaker (ex-S^3), I know very well the problems super-speed-speaking produces. Here is the truncated list of problems I have discovered:

1) Extremely rapid heating up of the jaw.
2) Leads to stammering.
3) Nobody understands you.
4) Friction with the air will cause wear and tear of the chin.
5) Speak faster than you can process the words.
6) Possible suffocation due to lack of air being breathed in.
7) Extremely difficult to insult people when provoked.
8) Lack of confidence.

Obviously, Daniel has already reached the almost incurable "acute" stage of stammering. Problem number 3 is also quite serious. Problem number 7 occurs quite frequently in this case. Also, readers would like to know about the cancellation of problem number 8 by Daniel's extreme narcissism.

Listening to someone who stammers like there's no tomorrow and struggling to make you understand him, might be extremely amusing for a few minutes, an extreme case of boredom might set in. This is especially dangerous when you are on a MRT (train). Because of the extreme case of boredom, sleeping while travelling in a MRT becomes very common. The high lethality of this boredom, coupled with a high dosage, will cause prolonged unconsciousness. At this state of unconsciousness, an individual may be transported to the last stop of certain tracks - Hell.

Imagine this. You are with Daniel. He speaks. Suddenly, an over-whelming wave of drowsiness sweeps you into an uncontrollable deep sleep. When you wake up, you hear the friendly female voice, saying, "Hell. All passengers please alight ----- Hell." The MRT comes to a stop, and the doors open. The unstoppable rush of heat instantly incinerates your skin as arenaline pumps through your veins together with an impending sense of doom.

That was really random. Speaking about doom, have any of you tried Doom 3? The highly acclaimed graphics failed of "WOW" me. I found nothing special with the mediocre graphics, maybe because of the super-dark environments and low-poly looking characters. I think Half-Life 2's graphics far surpasses that.

Half life is a physics term used to describe the degradation of radioactive particles. Am I right? Well I can't really remember, I learnt that in Primary 5! While there is totally no relation between "half life" and "Half-Life 2", this is worth mentioning. Haha.

No more stamina to link. My hands are shaking. Fatigue is weighing my body down. My eye-lids feel like a tera-gram. My muscles feel as powerful as a dead fly. My brain works as slowly as 50 thousand AMD Athlon 64 Fx 57s. LOL!

Lack of conclusion - minus 50 points.


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