Saturday, July 02, 2005

Batman Begins. SUCKS!

Those of you planning to watch Batman Begins should read this post and reconsider. The rest of you, you can skip this or read on to see what's so damn bad about it.

Batman Begins. A few months ago when I first knew that it was going to come out, I said to my sister (who was enthusiastic about watching it), "Man this movie's gonna suck." ANDDDDDD I WAS RIGHT!

I predicted the sucking of this movie with a few clues:

1) Super-hero-movie mania was going on. Producers were probably trying to get a quick ride on it.
2) The character "Batman" is just a rich kid with too much time to spare.
3) The previous Batman movies sucked.

And omfg I was right. This movie looked like the producers desperately wanted to get a share from the super-hero-movie mania - and couldn't think of another hero which hasn't been used. To prove the super-hero-movie mania phenomenon, let's list some super-hero movies released recently:
1) Spiderman
2) Spiderman 2
3) Catwoman
4) Batman

Comming soon are:
1) Fantistic Four
2) Superman

OMFG so many super-hero movies! Maybe the success of Spiderman warped the minds of serveral other movie producers. I'm not saying all super-hero movies released after Spiderman will suck, but this one certainly does. Let's get more details...

Plot: Long. Draggy. The first half of the show was bullshit. And the points didn't link.

Take for example the starting. A little boy was playing, fell into an old well, bats gang bang him *FLASH* grown up bloke (who we were supposed to assume he was the future Batman) in a little prison with some nightmare shit. Doesn't link when you watch it for yourself. And nothing does in fact link until in the later part of the movie when parts of the missing links are put into place (when you already long forgotten about them).

Coolness Factor: The suit and stuff were acceptably cool, and the Batmobile was also quite cool but it looked FUGLY! The psychotic baddie was quite cool but had a VERY small role in the movie. The butler was damn cool. Even cooler than Batman himself.

Un-boringness: 0. Super draggy. Sleeping material if you wanted to be critical.

Overall: Suxxor. 1/10. Want more information on why this movie sucks? Tag to request :)

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