Friday, May 27, 2005

Revival Attempt 1.

Ok I shall attempt to revive the dead.

Lets see... Last day of first semester... Training... Homework... Blisters... More training... New shooting suit... Leaving form teacher...

My class organised a farewell party for my form teacher today. We ordered 3(x2) Canadian pizzas + a fairly large cake + t-shirt + large card and a nice framed photo from that party itself. With super efficient people, somehow they managed to get the picture printed!! We played music with several iPods, ate, played, stoned, and 1 person cried. Sure, all of us were pretty sad Mr. Nan was leaving us. DAMN SAD! Now we are all speculating about our new form teacher. Most probably Mrs. Goh (Biology) will become our form teacher. I hope my class can get a nice teacher just like Mr. Nan, that way, we won't die if we did lame stuff - maybe like squirting 95% ethanol solution through a Bunsen flame while aiming at a innocent unaware guy in front (although accidentally).

New suit! Good or bad? To keep up with the ever changing ISSF (International Shooting Sport Federation) rules, my new suit is super soft! Not used to it at all and I figure that I'm gonna need one WHOLE day to adapt to it. Couldn't do it today.. Maybe I was just tired. Maybe because I had to change too much at once and I just couldn't cope? Whatever, just wanna adapt to it in the end and somehow shoot over 580 this monthly shoot.

Oh crap I just lost like 15 minutes of precious sleeping time!! Should I add that I got back from training not long ago?


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