Sunday, June 26, 2005

Dihydroxyphenylmethylaminoethanol sucks. It's confirmed.

Yes monthly shoot. All us shooters know about it. I don't even know my score. OMFG Boxian!!! WTH!??!?! Suddenly shoot so fast!?! 585 somemore.

Anyway dear old Dihydroxyphenylmethylaminoethanol (read my previous post on it for more information) wreaked havok. Again. While shooting plenty of 10s, suddenly an 8 will pop-up! Like 10, 9 (WTH!!), 10, 10 (again, expected), 10, 10, 10, 10 (deja vu), 10 (aiya next shot sure 10), 8 (WTH THAT WAS SO WEN3!). Yes that's the feeling. Real screwed.

Better talk to coach. Graduate in sports psychology! Must be able to help me. Especially I shoot 98 to 100/100 during trainings (excluding days when my eyes hurt or something like that).

Lets give a brief account of what happened. Firstly, the guy says stuff like "Your preparation time have ended. Competition starts!". Then my adrenaline glands starts drowning myself with Dihydroxyphenylmethylaminoethanol. I gasp for more air to nourish my brain. Then my heart beats like there's no tomorrow. I pick up the rifle, and while my rifle is shaking like hell, I try to calm down. And once I start shaking much less, I aim and fire. 10. I repeat this step over and over again for the first two series, occasionally getting a few 9s, or 8s (WTH!).

For the next few series, I have already calmed down. So just pick up the rifle, aim, shoot. 10. Second shot, 9 (WTH!!)!!!!. Ok nevermind that. Just continue. Pick up rifle, aim, shoot. 10. Repeat another 7 times. Last shot. Pick up rifle, aim (wah y so steady?), fire (wah definitely 10). 8 (OMFG WTH!!!!!!!!!!!).

Yes, you get the idea. I hope coach hasn't forgot what she learnt about sports psychology. And OMFG PLEASE CHECK MY GUN AGAIN!!

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