Monday, July 04, 2005

Random Linking Session 1.

Trying out my skills with random linking today. As many of you might know, I'm highly skilled with the respectable art of Random Linking. So what's the rationale of this RLS? The RLS (RANDOM LINKING SESSION IF YOU ARE REALLY SO SLOW) is the brain-child of the ultimate genius (maybe not so) Crappinni (me). At 0108 hours on 04 July 2005, the RLS idea was created randomly in hope of randomly randomizing our already random lives. Without further random ado, today's random theme is none other than "Batman Begins".

Batman Begins. This highly acclaimed movie (NOTE: DO NOT TAKE INFORMATION FROM THIS POST SERIOUSLY UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE) is totally composed of random ideas worthy of praise. I meant the level of randomness. Being praised by the grand master of random ideas (NOTE: STILL CRAP) is actually extremely rare. The randomness and (unfortunately) atrocity of the ideas displayed in "Batman Begins" are highly significant in today's busy society (there you go, a random and completely irrelevant link). Like in the world of shooting, shooters often have to place all the concentration they can muster into what they are actually doing (OMFG another COMPLETELY RANDOM AND IRRELEVANT link!!). Otherwise, they will shoot something other than a bulls-eye, which links (this time it's more relevant) back to the word atrocity (which actually has no emphasis in this article).

The word "atrocity" comes from the root word "atrocious", which is defined as "shockingly brutal or cruel", which completely doesn't fit in this context. This brings me to the topic of "Context". "Context" is defined as "a discourse that surrounds a language unit and helps to determine its interpretation". Without giving a damn about what that means, we shall continue on the topic "Concentration Required in Shooting". As mentioned earlier, the ability to muster a great deal of concentration is a prerequisite to the participation in competitive shooting. The lack of concentration is a highly inhibiting factor to many shooter's potential (NOTE: This is TRUE). Kakorrhaphiophobia, which is commonly referred to as "a fear of failure", is one of the many other factors leading to the ulimate destruction of man-kind (NOTE: COMPLETE BS. However, Kakorrhaphiophobia actually is another factor that inhibits a shooter's potential).

With so many factors, it is apparent that the world is going to suffer a fate somewhat similar to whatever displayed in the movie "A Bug's Life" (NOTE: LOL.. No need to think about the link, there isn't any). With this, I would like to conclude on the first RLS session, themed "Bugs".

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