Thursday, February 24, 2005


After what seemed to be an ever-lasting period of tests, I, along with most of my classmates, emerged from the classroom, alive, surprisingly. So here are the results for the term:

English: Dunno.
Chinese: A1, 81%
Mathematics: C6*, 50%
Biology: A1, 75%
Physics: A1, 86%
Chemistry: A2, dunno how many %
Integrated Humanities Elective aka Geog: E8*, 40%
Integrated Humanities Core: C6, 50%
Computer Studies: No test!
* means unconfirmed, second test result unrevealed.

Counting the known results, including the current Maths and Geog results, my MSG is a grand 3.0! Note - humanities are counted under one subject. As we all can see, I am really screwed, as expected. For Geog, I have a chance of going up to a maximum of C5. For Maths, a maximum of A1. So let's calculate the best MSG I can get:

(1+1+1+1+1+2+5)/7 = 1.71428571428571428571428571, approx. 1.7, which is damn good for the first term in sec three! But it's impossible anyway.

Tomorrow, I will compete in NTU Invitational Shoot. I do not expect anything much from it, at least not when I have not trained for the past three weeks, not counting today and yesterday. Obviously I had to train like hell. I bruised my knuckles, and now they have this perpetually raw, red colour. Damn it hurts. Even when I just put on the glove.

Losing is not a sweet experience for most of us. However, it's inevitable in cases like this. I am going to fall behind my personal best set previously during the SAFRA Invitational Shoot. Do not expect much, for expectations are nothing but imaginations. Two days after NTU Invitational Shoot, however, I aim to rise again, and defeat my personal best of 576 during the Monthly Shoot!



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