Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Health and Reduced Choices!

Wow I have heart murmurs! Cool! Ok not so cool actually. In fact, it's totally bad. Ok I'll give everyone the "algorithm" for discovering your very own heart murmurs!

Step 1: Get heart murmurs somehow.

Step 2: Get enrolled in OBS (Outward Bound School) when you are sec three and forget to click "A" in the EMB (Electronic Message Board) message asking for those who want to have their medical check up in school.

Step 3: Suddenly realise that you have to hand in your OBS form and also suddenly realise that you didn't click "A".

Step 4: Plan like hell to do a quick medical check up with the nearest clinic. Carry out that plan, BUT have the doctor to find out your heart murmurs.

Step 5: Get a referral to Singapore General Hospital Nation Heart Centre for a detailed check up.

Step 6: Go for your check up, making sure it's your first time there so you have to pay $70, and also make sure it's your first time having an ECG (Electrocardiogram) so you can pay $26 more.

Step 7: Go get your ECG. To get it, take a queue number, wait for damn long, go into the room, unbutton ur shirt, let them stick pads all over your freakin chest and hands, lie there and stone, and TAADAA! you get your ECG! And mine had an exceptionally high pulse rate! Why you ask? DUH first timer don't know what's happening!

Step 8: Time to get our "diagnosis". Get your second queue number, wait like hell, go into the room to meet this nice doctor with a always-ringing-phone. Afterwards, get him to say "Your ECG looks OK, please unbutton your shirt and lie down over there." Then you walk over there while unbuttoning your shirt, let him listen to your beating a bit, and get him to say, "Yes there are heart murmurs, I would require a ultrasound scan". Then get him to invite your parent in, say the exact same thing again.

Step 9: Go outside, pay $96, get your appointment date and stuff for your ultrasound scan and final diagnosis. After that, get pissed because the ultrasound scan is $330 and your final diagnosis is the day before the deadline of your OBS form.

Step 10: Go for your ultrasound scan, and wait for your final diagnosis, for me, IT'S THE NEXT DAMN WEEK!

So those were the 10 easy steps to finding your very own heart murmurs!

So next, Reduced Choices!

My previous post stated that I couldn't choose between certain parts. So ATI finally is coming out with some cool shit dual graphics cards solution! It's going to be released in 2 months and it will rival Nvidia like hell! YEA! And AMD also came out with dual cpu systems and stuff! But goddam the dual ATI graphics card and dual AMD cpus DON'T COME TOGETHER IN ONE MOTHERBOARD! OMG! HOW??

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