Sunday, January 09, 2005


The title's crap. This has got nothing to do with pwnage.
Anyway let's blog away. Here I am sitting in front of my dual monitor laptop that's connected to a 200 watt sound system and my wireless network (including printer and 3000kbps internet connection), thinking of what to type really. With Boxian's blog on my right monitor, I am simultenously (spelling?) writing and reading. It's a test for my multi-tasking ability [otherwise known as Hyper-Threading Technology (click here for more details)].

Anyway, that's more than enough for computer jargon. Testing out my other language in preparation for my first computer studies (C++) lesson tomorrow. Anyway, I was searching for a more suitable GameBoy Color emulator for my handphone running Symbian OS. It's said that my handphone has a 100megahertz central processing unit (CPU) capable of emulating the GameBoy Color environment. So I went on a full scale search, and it ended with 3 results. vBoy, GoBoy and some other lame useless thing I didn't even consider. vBoy is said to be the best by many, and GoBoy is also said to be the best by many. So I tried GoBoy (it's free, unlike vBoy) and realised it didn't have colour (so much for a GBC emulator). Yes anyway I uninstalled it (didn't like it).

And back to the file transfer protocol (ftp) problem. No idea what happened.

Mmmm.. I am thinking about something to say..

Oh maybe my Biology lessons (endosymbiotic theory related jargon) or my recent experiences pwning people in CS (hmm.. seems a bit related to the title...)? Nothing much to say. And I have to go to school tomorrow.

Anyway let's all play Pokemon on our phones. We pwn (some relation here)! Anyway I will try to speak in more complicated computer terms from now on.

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