Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Sec One Orientation

We had sec one orientation today! Lamers all over the place screaming cheers and stuff.. Especially right outside the rifle range's door. The area became instantly overcrowded and they were doing lame things like bombing and stuff.. We did so much bullshit for that one day when actually it's really got nothing to do with us. 99% of those people wouldn't be joining/cannot join anway. Anyway here is the work allocation:
Kelvin: Demonstrate the right way to shoot (Boxian and I rejected that job)
Boxian: Brief the lamers about the club and stuff (Emphasis on Junhong and his silver SEA Games medal)
Me: Help Boxian brief (But I slacked off anyway)
Others: Random work (All slacked off)

And we were surprised when a small group of people (mostly) wearing red t-shirts appeared in the range. All the previous groups had students wearing the new PE t-shirt (not red). And there were girls!! Then I asked the councillor (also wearing red) what the hell is this (while pointing at his shirt)? And he just said they were the Hwa Chong International School people. Then I pointed at his (red) shirt and said "Walao, you are in Internationa School meh?" and he pointed at the words "4th Students Union". Sorta answers the question.

Then Branden walked in and out of the range freely holding that goddammed walkie-talkie saying stuff like "The rifle range is STILL empty!" or "Is the rifle range supposed to be empty?". Mostly bullshit in other words. And everytime he appears, I will give him a few whacks and stuff. And Gland Sim [wadeva the spelling (LOL!)] who we expected to didn't come at all.

Anyway, the sec ones shot these cards that were made yesterday (refer to the previous post) and they were like 3 times the size of the real target card. And anyway some of them actually missed the card!!! I was shocked that they could actually miss the black dot let alone the card! So we were like "Walao the card so big liao still can miss!" And if any of you sec ones (who missed the card) are reading this, I just want to say I am not scolding you for being so goddammed untalented and common-senseless. I am actually despising you guys... :) Okok.. JK!

Anyway, I am off to read Keef's new post!!

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