Monday, December 27, 2004

New Stuff and Our Bad Timing

Okay everyone... I added this flash thing designed by myself. It's main and only function is to play 2 songs individually. It's does not automatically continue on to the other song so if you want to listen to the other song you will have to change it yourself.. And Keef, DESIGN IT YOURSELF! Ok, let's continue with the blogging...

Recieved a phone call from Boxian yesterday night when I was playing CS.. Had to ask them not to kill me first in order to answer it... He told me we (CHS ARC members) were to report outside the school range at 1P.M. So I did.. Arrived at school at about 12:56P.M and reached outside the range at about 12:59P.M. Then Mr. Tan arrived to open the range and we were inside.. I have a feeling this blow-by-blow account is useless so I will just summarise it :) We prepared stuff for tomorrow's Sec 1 Orientation like stupid-looking-fake-made-out-of-vanguard-sheets-target-cards [1 standard (standard) target card costs 5 cents] and stuff like that.. I decided to be lame and made this curved sheet of vanguard such that when it was blown by the ventilation vent above it will move forward like a car.. So I suggested a lame vanguard-sheet-car race. Sounds lame because it is.. Anyway that's that and after this preparation stuff we decided it was still to early to go home so we (Boxian, Kelvin, Jianghao and I) went to West Mall for a movie..

We arrived at West Mall at around 3:10P.M and reached the ticket booth at around 3:13P.M. We wanted to watch Seed of Chucky but goddam it was M18 (Strong horror violence/gore, sexual content and language) So we were like "Walao!" and took another look at the other posters. We saw the National Treasure poster (Nicolas Cage , Justin Bartha , Diane Kruger , Sean Bean) and I was like "Walao.. Looks ji lame!" because the caption was "In order to break the code. One man will have to break all the rules." It's like WTH! So we decided against it.. We wanted to watch Kung Fu Hustle (again) digital but it already started for 15 mins and only the front row seats were left... So we checked again and realised that we could either watch Ocean's Twelve (must wait for a long time) or The Phantom of The Opera. So we asked the man at the booth what TPOTO was about and he was like "I think it's something like a musical" and we were like "WALAO!!! t(-_-"t)" and Ocean's Twelve was like starting in a long time so we were like "Walao lame la.. What time are we ending tomorrow?" So we realised that we were ending damn late so Jianghao was like "Watch on Wednesday la" then we were like "Ok lor.." so we all left..

That's the bad timing and that's basically what I did for the day :)

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