Sunday, December 26, 2004

Monthly Shoot and The Damage in My Rifle

Goddam! 562 is shit! DAMN!!! Well.. That is the monthly shoot part... And yes JunHong hit (not broke sry) the national record with a score of 596 :0 He was facing me during the MS and my holy aura made him shoot so well :) Ok now for the second part of my post: The Damage in My Rifle

Yes as the name suggests, my rifle is damaged! *surprise, surprise!* And here are the problems:
1) Trigger does not engaged if the rifle is cocked to slowly. (Not really a problem)
2) Shots tend to move to the left after an average of 15 shots. (Requires adjustment during competition)
3) Rusty.. (Not really a problem)

So the main problem is the second one. Cost me at least 10 points during the competition. Didn't dare to immediately adjust just in case it was me. So after it changed, I just continue to shoot until I could confirm that it was the rifle's fault. And it happened 3 times during the 60 shots! Ok, enough groaning.. Here are the series and final score in order: 96+94+93+92+91+96=562!

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