Friday, December 31, 2004

New Year, New Broadband, New Handphone

Everything is new today. I stayed at home to overlook the installation of our new broadband suscription, Starhub's Maxonline 3000. It came with a cable modem cum wireless router. So now there's a 128bit encrypted wireless lan going on in my house and my father's and my laptop are connected. I am posting with my laptop now to get used to typing longer stuff.. That's for the afternoon...

After dinner at IMM (I met my good old friend, Rayner), my mother went to buy a new handphone, but she hadn't completed her 2 year plan so she couldn't use the upgrading thing. Anyway I checked mine out and found out that I was eligible for upgrading. So I bought the Nokia 6670 at $438 (ouch!) after discount for line upgrading and trade-in of my old and very battered phone ($100!). The guy took a look at my phone and was like "See here? The light flashes, so it's spoilt". I knew that long ago and I expected it's price to be something like $80. But I asked him "So how much can I trade in for?" and he said "$100". I agreed immediately (I checked out on Singtel's website that for a 6610 in good condition, the trade in price is $100). So anyway I bought this phone and it's full of features, like 1 megapixel camera (not really attractive) etc. Anyway that's for the evening.

And at midnight it's new year!! So 3 new things today :) Four if I count in my wireless network. Anyway the junior instructor course leaders (Bert, Biqi, Alan and I) were supposed to meet some student leader from another school to discuss about helping the tsunami disaster victims... I feel that they are super suay leh.. New year liao then this kinda of thing happen.. Anyway I am off to try to set-up the file sharing and printer sharing in my house now..

Thursday, December 30, 2004

New Waking Up Record

Just woke up. To be exact, at around 4:49P.M. Done nothing except sleep till now. So there's nothing much to post literally. So I am off to eat my lunch! Feel damn weird BTW.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Routine Life, Or Not!

After planning everything (To wake up at 11 and take public transport to SAFRA at 12), Alan called me in the middle of the night and told me "Meet in school tomorrow at 10A.M." and I was like "F*** lar..." But anyway, I overslept (woke at about 10:05A.M) and ran like hell to the bus stop and all.. So I reached there a bit late.. About 10:25A.M to be exact. Anyway that's only a minor part of my day..

Went home first to slack a bit, then took a cab to SAFRA.. Reached there at about 12:45P.M and drew my rifle (spoilt) at 12:50P.M and started training at exactly 1:08P.M (after wearing all the equipment and all). Anyway I told Uncle Tan about the problems and he fixed them liao (except for the rust). There was this screw inside that was super loose.. After that I immediately shot 2 10.9s. After that, Coach Zhang came to adjust my position a bit. It was super stable when dry firing but I keep shuai'ing qiang during the actual shots. After some more training, became super tired and my right leg started to shake... Started to shoot shit anyway... So I packed everything up and... WENT TO THE GAMES ARCADE!!

Boxian asked me to play Daytona with him.. Anyway we played 7 times and he lost 5 times : ) So now he owes me $2.50. Anyway after pwning him I took a random cab home and ate dinner and blogged this.. So anyway I am going to play CS now..

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Sec One Orientation

We had sec one orientation today! Lamers all over the place screaming cheers and stuff.. Especially right outside the rifle range's door. The area became instantly overcrowded and they were doing lame things like bombing and stuff.. We did so much bullshit for that one day when actually it's really got nothing to do with us. 99% of those people wouldn't be joining/cannot join anway. Anyway here is the work allocation:
Kelvin: Demonstrate the right way to shoot (Boxian and I rejected that job)
Boxian: Brief the lamers about the club and stuff (Emphasis on Junhong and his silver SEA Games medal)
Me: Help Boxian brief (But I slacked off anyway)
Others: Random work (All slacked off)

And we were surprised when a small group of people (mostly) wearing red t-shirts appeared in the range. All the previous groups had students wearing the new PE t-shirt (not red). And there were girls!! Then I asked the councillor (also wearing red) what the hell is this (while pointing at his shirt)? And he just said they were the Hwa Chong International School people. Then I pointed at his (red) shirt and said "Walao, you are in Internationa School meh?" and he pointed at the words "4th Students Union". Sorta answers the question.

Then Branden walked in and out of the range freely holding that goddammed walkie-talkie saying stuff like "The rifle range is STILL empty!" or "Is the rifle range supposed to be empty?". Mostly bullshit in other words. And everytime he appears, I will give him a few whacks and stuff. And Gland Sim [wadeva the spelling (LOL!)] who we expected to didn't come at all.

Anyway, the sec ones shot these cards that were made yesterday (refer to the previous post) and they were like 3 times the size of the real target card. And anyway some of them actually missed the card!!! I was shocked that they could actually miss the black dot let alone the card! So we were like "Walao the card so big liao still can miss!" And if any of you sec ones (who missed the card) are reading this, I just want to say I am not scolding you for being so goddammed untalented and common-senseless. I am actually despising you guys... :) Okok.. JK!

Anyway, I am off to read Keef's new post!!

Monday, December 27, 2004

New Stuff and Our Bad Timing

Okay everyone... I added this flash thing designed by myself. It's main and only function is to play 2 songs individually. It's does not automatically continue on to the other song so if you want to listen to the other song you will have to change it yourself.. And Keef, DESIGN IT YOURSELF! Ok, let's continue with the blogging...

Recieved a phone call from Boxian yesterday night when I was playing CS.. Had to ask them not to kill me first in order to answer it... He told me we (CHS ARC members) were to report outside the school range at 1P.M. So I did.. Arrived at school at about 12:56P.M and reached outside the range at about 12:59P.M. Then Mr. Tan arrived to open the range and we were inside.. I have a feeling this blow-by-blow account is useless so I will just summarise it :) We prepared stuff for tomorrow's Sec 1 Orientation like stupid-looking-fake-made-out-of-vanguard-sheets-target-cards [1 standard (standard) target card costs 5 cents] and stuff like that.. I decided to be lame and made this curved sheet of vanguard such that when it was blown by the ventilation vent above it will move forward like a car.. So I suggested a lame vanguard-sheet-car race. Sounds lame because it is.. Anyway that's that and after this preparation stuff we decided it was still to early to go home so we (Boxian, Kelvin, Jianghao and I) went to West Mall for a movie..

We arrived at West Mall at around 3:10P.M and reached the ticket booth at around 3:13P.M. We wanted to watch Seed of Chucky but goddam it was M18 (Strong horror violence/gore, sexual content and language) So we were like "Walao!" and took another look at the other posters. We saw the National Treasure poster (Nicolas Cage , Justin Bartha , Diane Kruger , Sean Bean) and I was like "Walao.. Looks ji lame!" because the caption was "In order to break the code. One man will have to break all the rules." It's like WTH! So we decided against it.. We wanted to watch Kung Fu Hustle (again) digital but it already started for 15 mins and only the front row seats were left... So we checked again and realised that we could either watch Ocean's Twelve (must wait for a long time) or The Phantom of The Opera. So we asked the man at the booth what TPOTO was about and he was like "I think it's something like a musical" and we were like "WALAO!!! t(-_-"t)" and Ocean's Twelve was like starting in a long time so we were like "Walao lame la.. What time are we ending tomorrow?" So we realised that we were ending damn late so Jianghao was like "Watch on Wednesday la" then we were like "Ok lor.." so we all left..

That's the bad timing and that's basically what I did for the day :)

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Monthly Shoot and The Damage in My Rifle

Goddam! 562 is shit! DAMN!!! Well.. That is the monthly shoot part... And yes JunHong hit (not broke sry) the national record with a score of 596 :0 He was facing me during the MS and my holy aura made him shoot so well :) Ok now for the second part of my post: The Damage in My Rifle

Yes as the name suggests, my rifle is damaged! *surprise, surprise!* And here are the problems:
1) Trigger does not engaged if the rifle is cocked to slowly. (Not really a problem)
2) Shots tend to move to the left after an average of 15 shots. (Requires adjustment during competition)
3) Rusty.. (Not really a problem)

So the main problem is the second one. Cost me at least 10 points during the competition. Didn't dare to immediately adjust just in case it was me. So after it changed, I just continue to shoot until I could confirm that it was the rifle's fault. And it happened 3 times during the 60 shots! Ok, enough groaning.. Here are the series and final score in order: 96+94+93+92+91+96=562!

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Kung Fu Hustle and the Worrying Before Monthly Shoot

Finally watched Kung Fu Hustle. 5 stars and totally recommended to anybody who wants to have some fun, or not. Actually just watch it, it's cool stuff :) No spoilers here so let's go on to the second part: The Worrying Before Monthly Shoot.

As always, I panick before each competition and feel at a lost.. That's obviously a great disadvantage for me. I measured my blood pressure and pulse rate (blood pressure: 127-83 pulse rate: 69)... Higher than my normal if you don't already know... So all those people who read this before 1:20P.M on Boxing Day, please pray for me that I shoot 599 :) I am not a perfectionist, so I don't require 600 :) But I doubt I will be able to shoot that in the near future... I will probably need a new shooting suit, tripod and a rifle that is in perfect condition (and much more practice) to achieve that...

Let's all hope the air temperature in SAFRA Yishun Air Rifle Range is super cold tommorrow... And it's time to sleep!!!!

Christmas and the Reality of the Monthly Shoot

Christmas and it's eve are filled with slackiness and suspense. I will never know how I am going to screw up in the upcoming Monthly Shoot. I still don't understand why they must set the MS to be on Boxing Day... It's a total torture...

I spent the whole of Christmas eve in my uncle's house, playing random games and doing random stuff while thinking about MS and how i missed training for 2 consecutive days before a official shoot. Especially when I haven't been shooting exceptionally well recently (except maybe a nice 30 shot grouping).

School is going to start in a few days and I am going to buckle under the incredible stress of ?? subjects. Let's see... English, Higher Chinese, A. Maths, E. Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Studies, Geography, Social Studies. 10!! Ouch.. And I am in Science and Maths Research Programme (SMRP). It's going to be a seriously busy year.. Hopefully my new teachers will be easy to get along with too (I doubt so =().

What am I doing here? I should be doing something constructive!! So off I am to play CS!

New blog, rusty HTML and CSS skills...

Yes people... Here I am in the blogging world... Unfaithful as I am, expect me to lag by a few days between posts after school starts... This 1337 blog is cre8ed as a test for my rusty old html and css skills. They look shiny and polished after a 5 minute recap session at (a useful site for all those who never been to it before).

This place should be the place where I will throw in all my experiences (and hopefully blogging will improve my A2 (!!!) standard English). This looks really short compared to what others can write :) And I am probably the most short-winded (huh?) person in the blogging world.. Hopefully I will be able to gain some crapping skills after blogging.