Monday, January 02, 2006

Back to School

Damn. It's the time of the year I've been dreading. It's time to go back to school... It's really amazing how time flies during the holidays. Too amazing, but it's true. Every year, we wait for the inevitable back to school rush, it's just bad.

It's approximately 9.20P.M. now. And I haven't found my pencil case. I reckon it's in my father's car but I can't be bothered to go down and check it out now. So it'll have to wait till tomorrow morning. If it's not there, too bad! I'll just borrow a pen and that's that!

Ok so I heard about a Mathematics test on the first day of school. It's really crazy so I emailed Mr. Ang about it. Luckily it's going to be set on the Thursday instead, which is the third day. It's also a quiz that allows you to be exempted from some work IF you show an advanced understanding in the topics. So basically I expect the quiz to be super duper uber damn difficult. The virtually undoable (pronounced: unn-doo-err-berl) type of quiz.

I'm currently listening to some music and chilling out with what's left of the holidays. Seriously too lazy to prepare for the quiz now. I'll probably start when my friends start. So we can go together and figure out some of our own theories regarding stuff we don't understand.

And some random thoughts: What the hell is 'Godspeed'?

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