Sunday, January 22, 2006

Monthly Shoot.

It was bad. The start I mean. In fact it's so bad I shot seven 9s in a row. As in 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10. Ending with 93. Worse series I've ever shot in a long long time. But fortunately the two talks given to me during the competition were good. So at least I shot a 99. Overall score 576/600. Second worse in the past few months. Nothing to say just got back damn tired.

Saturday, January 14, 2006


It cool to be a Sec Four. Because I got to interview the Sec Ones who were trying to get into the ARC. Extremely fun to see their reactions to my super irrelevant and lame questions. Of course important questions were also asked! Here are some examples of what i encountered during the course of interviewing them:

*At the start*
Me: Hi.
Interviewee: *Stony silence*
Me: Hi!!!
Interviewee: Hi.
*In the middle of the interview*
Me: What's the time now?
Interviewee: 4.50.
Me: No it's 4.52.
Interviewee: *Stony silence*
Me: *Pointing at the 5 digit card number* Do you know how many digits there are here?
Interviewee: *Stones* 5.
Me: It's a yes/no question.
Interviewee: HUH?
*For no reason*
Me: *Pointing at some random letter on the card* Do you think this is a letter or an alphabet?
Interviewee: *Thinks damn hard* I... think it's an... alphabet.
Me: ABSOLUTELY WRONG! The alphabet consists of the 26 letters, as in "ABCDEFG...", so this is a LETTER!
Interviewee: *Really confused face*
Me or some other people: Do you have a sister?
Interviewee: Yes.
Me or some other people: HOW OLD????
- OR -
Me or some other people: Do you have a sister?
Interviewee: No.
Me or some other people: *Sad face*

Of course we also made jokes out of extremely high socks and VERY EXTREME hair partings. Hahaha.. One must be there to fully understand the interviewing pleasure...

Sunday, January 08, 2006


I woke up this morning and I saw a message coming from a sec 3 ACS(I) shooter AND his junior. This is the entire "conversation" from my chat log:

[11:17:45 AM] {[Freedom fo: OEI
[11:17:45 AM] {[Freedom fo: HONNY
[11:17:57 AM] {[Freedom fo: MY JUNIOR OWNS UR HCI SEC2s
[11:18:09 AM] {[Freedom fo: UR HCI SEC2s GONNA LOSE LIAOZ
[11:18:20 AM] [leonard] 1.: lol
[11:18:20 AM] [leonard] 1.: hci six
[11:18:20 AM] [leonard] 1.: sux
[11:18:20 AM] [leonard] 1.: lousy
[11:18:32 AM] {[Freedom fo: LEONARD WILL OWN UR HCI C DIV
[11:18:43 AM] {[Freedom fo: GO HOME FLY KITE LAH UR HCI
[11:18:54 AM] [leonard] 1.: yar
[11:18:56 AM] [leonard] 1.: go hme and sleep
[11:19:07 AM] {[Freedom fo: zzzzzz
[11:19:07 AM] {[Freedom fo: pointless convo
[11:19:18 AM] {[Freedom fo: honny boi boi is half dead
[11:19:18 AM] {[Freedom for Life]]...Any person here got nice
songs(which i do not have) to give me?... has left the

Ok. I'll say this. I know ASC(I) has not been winning for some time. I know, penguin, you seriously suck at shooting. Showing off about somebody elses' strength isn't going to make you better. And you don't even know how my juniors are doing, because even I cannot gauge their skill right now. Also I'm not your friend, therefore you're not allowed to call be "honny boi boi". I'll take it as you being disrespectful.

I've always regarded the ACS(I) shooting team as a respectable group of sportsmen. But this kind of appalling behavior has made me doubt my impressions on their discipline level. I hope that Jason (captain) can do something about this.

Friday, January 06, 2006

First Weekend and The Crash of Firefox

I typed a long long essay here and firefox crashed. Thank you firefox! This is the first time I'm experiencing a firefox crash. And it's on the FIRST weekend since school re-opened! Dammit!

Well, the highly anticipated weekend has finally arrived! Even though I have a Chinese composition to complete (Eight hundred words), I'm still going to slack until the last minute. Always procrastinate! I'm aware of it.

Well my sister watched WGTCOTWR (Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit) too and she also found it extremely hilarious. This goes to show that my movies reviews are generally accurate.

Incidentally, the results of Maths quiz I took yesterday have been revealed! I didn't post a message yesterday regarding the quiz because I drifted off to the subconscious word at approximately 9.00A.M. Anyway it was easier than expected but I still made two REALLY LAME CARELESS MISTAKES giving my a grand total of 28/30. Maybe it was the rush (quiz in ten mniutes), maybe I was just being myself.

Also, my birthday is on 14th January! Here's a tip: Buy my present early, because on the 13th January there'll probably be a great rush to get my presents, causing major jams in shopping centres nationwide. I already got one present (super early)! A new badminton racket! I finally replaced the Carbonex B-2000. Now with a MusclePower 28! Not exactly top of the line but neither am I. Hahaha...

Ok better post quick just in case firefox decides to burn it's own tail.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Back to School

Damn. It's the time of the year I've been dreading. It's time to go back to school... It's really amazing how time flies during the holidays. Too amazing, but it's true. Every year, we wait for the inevitable back to school rush, it's just bad.

It's approximately 9.20P.M. now. And I haven't found my pencil case. I reckon it's in my father's car but I can't be bothered to go down and check it out now. So it'll have to wait till tomorrow morning. If it's not there, too bad! I'll just borrow a pen and that's that!

Ok so I heard about a Mathematics test on the first day of school. It's really crazy so I emailed Mr. Ang about it. Luckily it's going to be set on the Thursday instead, which is the third day. It's also a quiz that allows you to be exempted from some work IF you show an advanced understanding in the topics. So basically I expect the quiz to be super duper uber damn difficult. The virtually undoable (pronounced: unn-doo-err-berl) type of quiz.

I'm currently listening to some music and chilling out with what's left of the holidays. Seriously too lazy to prepare for the quiz now. I'll probably start when my friends start. So we can go together and figure out some of our own theories regarding stuff we don't understand.

And some random thoughts: What the hell is 'Godspeed'?