Friday, December 30, 2005

Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit

Yay watched WGTCOTWR (Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit) today. It overlapped my plans to train so too bad! Yay so Stine and Xin asked me yesterday night after my training whether I wanted to watch WGTCOTWR with them at 2.45 today. But I had training! So changed to 12.40 show at CineLeisure.

So we were supposed to meet up at 12 but Ivan, Keef, Xin were all late. So poor Mozzie had to endure a few minutes alone with Stine. Hahaha. Anyway that doesn't mean it's unpleasant to be with Stine alone. Maybe just a bit intimida... OH NO DON'T WHACK ME!!!

So we (excluding Keef, haven't arrived yet) went to buy some tickets buy Ceyong appeared there for no reason so I challenged him to Daytona USA again. I completed with him something like 1/2 a lap behind me or more. Also, Xin and Stine came and disturb me for the 8 dollars for the tickets DURING the game. That made me touch the grass during the easiest turn. Reminds me of Boxian pouring some drink into my pellet box.

So we got the tickets and I called Keef even though I knew he was already on the way up (means he was already in CineLeisure). Then in the middle of the conversation we saw him run past the level we were at to go straight to the top. I hung up. And we followed. Keef called again.
Keef: "Where are you?"

I: "We're already inside the theatre." <-- We were on our way up behind him actually.

Keef: "WTH! Where's my ticket??"

I: "We hid it under the rubbish bin. Go look for it." <-- Obviously hoping he would really do that. Just for laughs.

At this moment he was already looking down at us (at the escalator). NO FUN! I was really hoping he would be looking under the bin when we arrived upstairs. That'll be DAMN FUNNY!!!

Ok so now for the review. The show was very funny. A bit random and spastic but cool. The plot is rather unpredictable and sometimes little things in the movie just make it funnier. For example, Gromit and another dog were fighting in toy planes (dogfighting) and when one of the planes crashed, there was an extremely big explosion, contrary to the expectation of just a crash. The movie also had a strong hold on the audience's attention with a suitable level of suspense and action. The story is not worth mentioning.

What's amazing is the animation style. It's stop-motion animated, yet they have a rather high frame rate and even blinking and other small actions were taken care of rather well. Nothing much to say since it's nearing 1A.M. already. So overall: Hilarious! 8/10. <-- Better than Narnia.

P.S. This post was delayed by a nice telephone conversation that lasted approximately 1hour 22minutes.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Training! December 29, 2005 version

The no life life continues. Wake up at 12P.M (Computer: It's now 12P.M. *Alarm starts*), wash up, eat breakfast cum lunch, slack a bit, change clothes, go for training.

(I did all these stuff while SMSing Ding)

So I arrived at Yishun SAFRA Air Weapons Range at approximately 2.30P.M. Saw Carol Lee stoning there with a book, already half in her equipment. So I dao her and proceeded to draw my rifle. The next thing was to take out my equipment and lay them out nicely at the bay. Then I was informed about coach's arrival earliest at 5P.M! HOLY COW! So I stoned, listened to music for about 15 minutes. Then Boxian arrived! Cool! So I stopped listening to music and started to put on my equipment. Checked out my nose (the one that got bashed up) once in a while to make sure it was still there, then started training. Yay nothing special. Exceept for the change in position the day before yesterday.

About 6.30P.M. Coach arrived. Trained a little more, then started the ending sequence (10 shots, 1 on each card). Ended with 97/100 (thanks Boxian for pouring the White Tea shit into my pellet box so + one extra 9) ZIIIIIBEIIIIII!

Yay so coach didn't teach us anything before we were all worn out and left. Yay. So we're going again tomorrow in the afternoon. And to the sec one HCIARC members. Better start training. I didn't see any of you today.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Nose Job

It's quite early for blogging. But today's special! Not training today! Hahaha. Woke up at an unearthly time (6A.M.) and went to school for the orientation thing (to orientate next year's sec ones). I realised most of them were very unfun, as in they do not play along in jokes. They just stand there with a blank face. DAMN anti-climax for the jokes.

After hearing the first introduction speech by Chink, we decided that he really CMI (cannot make it). Boring boring boring speech. Even I won't want to join the club after that little speech. So Boxian and I took over the job. Yay finally we got a little more enthusiasm from them. Thus we were permanently assigned to that job. Extremely repetitive job it is. Just keep saying the same thing. Like "OK! Group XXX gather here! Welcome to the Hwa Chong Institution Air Rifle Club. As you all know, air rifle is a Group A sport here. That means it's an ELITE sport! This is due to the fact that we have won numerous medals and awards in many competitions. We're also involved in international competitions such as the SEA games and the World Cup. In fact, in the year 2003, Ong Jun Hong managed to clinch the individual silver medal at the SEA games! He lost to a world record holder by just 1.4 points! blah blah blah...".

Ok after that stuff, we (damn few people) went to play soccer. The best part of the game is that my nose got BASHED IN! YAY! Super nice huiling! But luckily it didn't break. Still feels weird though. Like a new nose or something. Hahaha. So continued playing until it started drizzling everyone balek kampong! And now I'm back home! Yay! Typing all these random shit because I really have nothing to do.

And CRAP! Dattebayo fansubbed episodes will be in MKV form from now on! Damn it'll make my folder inconsistent. Prolly will convert everything to MKV! Since it's smaller anyway. Hahaha...

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Training! December 27, 2005 version

Yay training again! Funny ah the Christmas thingy. Make me never train 3 days in a row. I went back to training happilly expecting the usual nice nice shots. But I knew something was wrong the moment I took my stance. Something was different. I knew it. But what was it? DUNNO!! Therefore I shot like crap for a approximately 1 hour.

Afterwards, I decided to HELL with it and took all my equipment off and sat down for approximately 30 minutes - stoning. Then coach came! OMG! WhOA! OK not that exciting. It's just coach. So I continued training, dry firing and all that jazz... So when I finally regained some form, coach came along and made me demo some action to pros like BOXIAN.

After pointing out some not very significant mistakes, I was suddenly on to shooting 99/100 right there! SUPER STRESSED! WTH! First shot already 9. GG SHIT. Next shot 10. Ok must shoot 8 more bulls-eyes. ANOTHER 9! END OF STORY BYEBYE!

OK. After that, coach said to shoot a few more shots to make this action better. Shoot a few more shots to make that action better. So after demoing for something like 30-45 minutes, I was still going! SO FUN! With my legs and hands shaking from stress (AWWW....), eyes tired (as always) and feet painful, I soldiered on! Super heroic. Hahaha.

No conclusion really. So random. Tomorrow must go to school at 7.30 to see new sec ones. Hahaha... Hope it'll be fun. Always looking forward to this part of the year. Bet next year's sec twos are too. They're finally seniors. Happy for them! YAY!

Monday, December 26, 2005

TCONTLTWTW and Some Scary Stuff

Heheh. Went out to watch The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. Not bad a movie, maybe because I didn't read the book. Hahaha. Yay I'll probably be reading the book when I get my hands on them. Yea this is basically what I did today not counting chasing the two girls around the whole Plaza Singapura. Good job on training for stamina! *Pats myself on the back*

The story of TCONTLTWTW (The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe) is quite cool considering I've NEVER READ THE BOOK. Ok. So the special effects were quite well done, the lion was cool from far but far from cool, the freak people of Narnia were quite zai in the war etc. The White Witch looked damn disgusting but nvm 'coz she's the bad guy/girl/wadeva. The worst part of the movie was when the lion jumped on the White Witch. It looked as if both of them were old lovers about to rekindle the flame. Seriously. Very weird. But anyway the lion kinda bit the head off (not shown, unfortunately) and THEY WON THE WAR! Very fairytale style, as expected. But quite well pulled off.

In addition, there were 2 extra comedians in the cinema (namely Keef and Mozzie) who SCREAMED whenever the lion roared. Lol attention seeking geeking freeking shits. Ok so that's basically TCONTLTWTW. Overall: Not bad! 7/10.

YEA! Now for the "Some Scary Stuff" part. First, notice the good use of alliteration here :) This will be kinda short but it'll be entertaining. HAHA. Ok there's this guy called Paul Ong from my class. Cool canoeing guy, supposedly capsizes once every 7 strokes etc. Apparently, he ate too much TURKEY! Festive seasons! His voice sounds real screwed up now. It sounds like a girl, just to clarify, girls' voices are not screwed, but they are WHEN HE IS A GUY. HAHA!

Click here to listen to sound clip 1
Click here to listen to sound clip 2

Yea that's real scary. Gotta agree. YAY!

OK. Holidays

Holidays. Always a good thing to have aren't they? Like December holidays (the undisputed, longest, ultimatest AND bestest of all school holidays). Good holidays are usually once in a few months kinda thing. Actually not usually. It's ALWAYS a once in a few months kinda thing. But the good thing about these good holidays are the fact that they LAST for a month or two! Imagine (what I'm doing now) slacking like some dead decomposing rotten browned leaf that just dropped from the tree! Really great ain't it? Like sleeping till 4PM, watching a movie every other day or just chilling out with your lovely computers/homework. However, good stuff like these don't last long. Sooner or later we'll be raked up by the end of the holidays. But no need to fret! No need to rush through your holiday homework now (I don't have any. Bite me.)! In fact, we should use all the remaining time we have to do any last minute chilling/sleeping/gaming/chaleting/stoning/chatting/doing ANYTHING but school related stuff! That's the spirit! TO ALL THOSE WHO ARE RUSHING THROUGH YOUR HOMEWORK NOW: STOP IT! ENJOY THE LAST MINUTES OF THE HOLIDAYS! THROW YOUR HOMEWORK DOWN THE DRAIN/AT THE SAVAGE DOG/INTO THE FIREPLACE/ANY RANDOM PLACE WHERE YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO FIND IT!

OK. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe in. Breathe in. Breathe in. BOOM!


Yay! More yayness in the ever yaying world. Spread the joy of yaying with your friends! You can do this by actually yaying an immense number of times in every aspect of communication related to your life. For example, you can SMS your friends messages similar to this "Yay! How are you? Yay! I'm really feeling high now. Like totally yayin' mann! YAY! Wanna go out and yay or yay or smth? That'll be really yay and yaying."

That's really lame. But seriously, try it. It's really fun and addictive. You'll start yaying in every single conversation. Remember to tell your friends I'm restarting to blog here too! Absolutely YAYIN mann.

Nothing much to say. Thus the crap. You are eligible for an apology from me. All you need to do is either 1) Tag here and say smth cool (not vulgar please) AND request an apology or 2) Leave a comment on smth cool AND request an apology. I'll be apologising full time as long as there're people requesting it! SPREAD THE NEWS!