Saturday, March 19, 2005

Training. Poll.

Poll: Before I continue with my post, I just want to ask how many people usually click on the advertisements on websites and stuff. And I would also like to know what you guys think about advertisements. I am thinking of placing some ads here through the AdSense thing from Google. They are not pop-ups, and will just take up a little space on the corner of this site. So, who is willing to click a couple of links to help me?? Please post your comments on the comments thingy. Ok lets continue!

I went for training as usual. But just before I could put on my boots (which are worn after wearing pants), I accidentally cut my left index finger. How? No idea. It just started bleeding and 1 drop of blood dripped on the floor.

I became fustrated because I was stuck in my pants with my left index finger rendered useless (I couldn't stain my stuff with blood could I??). So I pushed out of my shooting pants and walked to the toilet without shoes to wash my bleeding finger and get some tissue paper to stop the blood and clean up the blood on the floor.

After applying some pressure, the bleeding continued. So I went to take more tissue paper, and just sat there, pressing on my finger. And finally the bleeding stopped. So I continued wearing my equipment, and accidentally, I sort of pierced it while wearing the boots. It started bleeding AGAIN. Asked Qiao ge to take tissue for me this time. Stopped the blood. Trained.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Health and Reduced Choices!

Wow I have heart murmurs! Cool! Ok not so cool actually. In fact, it's totally bad. Ok I'll give everyone the "algorithm" for discovering your very own heart murmurs!

Step 1: Get heart murmurs somehow.

Step 2: Get enrolled in OBS (Outward Bound School) when you are sec three and forget to click "A" in the EMB (Electronic Message Board) message asking for those who want to have their medical check up in school.

Step 3: Suddenly realise that you have to hand in your OBS form and also suddenly realise that you didn't click "A".

Step 4: Plan like hell to do a quick medical check up with the nearest clinic. Carry out that plan, BUT have the doctor to find out your heart murmurs.

Step 5: Get a referral to Singapore General Hospital Nation Heart Centre for a detailed check up.

Step 6: Go for your check up, making sure it's your first time there so you have to pay $70, and also make sure it's your first time having an ECG (Electrocardiogram) so you can pay $26 more.

Step 7: Go get your ECG. To get it, take a queue number, wait for damn long, go into the room, unbutton ur shirt, let them stick pads all over your freakin chest and hands, lie there and stone, and TAADAA! you get your ECG! And mine had an exceptionally high pulse rate! Why you ask? DUH first timer don't know what's happening!

Step 8: Time to get our "diagnosis". Get your second queue number, wait like hell, go into the room to meet this nice doctor with a always-ringing-phone. Afterwards, get him to say "Your ECG looks OK, please unbutton your shirt and lie down over there." Then you walk over there while unbuttoning your shirt, let him listen to your beating a bit, and get him to say, "Yes there are heart murmurs, I would require a ultrasound scan". Then get him to invite your parent in, say the exact same thing again.

Step 9: Go outside, pay $96, get your appointment date and stuff for your ultrasound scan and final diagnosis. After that, get pissed because the ultrasound scan is $330 and your final diagnosis is the day before the deadline of your OBS form.

Step 10: Go for your ultrasound scan, and wait for your final diagnosis, for me, IT'S THE NEXT DAMN WEEK!

So those were the 10 easy steps to finding your very own heart murmurs!

So next, Reduced Choices!

My previous post stated that I couldn't choose between certain parts. So ATI finally is coming out with some cool shit dual graphics cards solution! It's going to be released in 2 months and it will rival Nvidia like hell! YEA! And AMD also came out with dual cpu systems and stuff! But goddam the dual ATI graphics card and dual AMD cpus DON'T COME TOGETHER IN ONE MOTHERBOARD! OMG! HOW??

Health and Reduced Choices!

Wow I have heart murmurs! Cool! Ok not so cool actually. In fact, it's totally bad. Ok I'll give everyone the "algorithm" for discovering your very own heart murmurs!

Step 1: Get heart murmurs somehow.

Step 2: Get enrolled in OBS (Outward Bound School) when you are sec three and forget to click "A" in the EMB (Electronic Message Board) message asking for those who want to have their medical check up in school.

Step 3: Suddenly realise that you have to hand in your OBS form and also suddenly realise that you didn't click "A".

Step 4: Plan like hell to do a quick medical check up with the nearest clinic. Carry out that plan, BUT have the doctor to find out your heart murmurs.

Step 5: Get a referral to Singapore General Hospital Nation Heart Centre for a detailed check up.

Step 6: Go for your check up, making sure it's your first time there so you have to pay $70, and also make sure it's your first time having an ECG (Electrocardiogram) so you can pay $26 more.

Step 7: Go get your ECG. To get it, take a queue number, wait for damn long, go into the room, unbutton ur shirt, let them stick pads all over your freakin chest and hands, lie there and stone, and TAADAA! you get your ECG! And mine had an exceptionally high pulse rate! Why you ask? DUH first timer don't know what's happening!

Step 8: Time to get our "diagnosis". Get your second queue number, wait like hell, go into the room to meet this nice doctor with a always-ringing-phone. Afterwards, get him to say "Your ECG looks OK, please unbutton your shirt and lie down over there." Then you walk over there while unbuttoning your shirt, let him listen to your beating a bit, and get him to say, "Yes there are heart murmurs, I would require a ultrasound scan". Then get him to invite your parent in, say the exact same thing again.

Step 9: Go outside, pay $96, get your appointment date and stuff for your ultrasound scan and final diagnosis. After that, get pissed because the ultrasound scan is $330 and your final diagnosis is the day before the deadline of your OBS form.

Step 10: Go for your ultrasound scan, and wait for your final diagnosis, for me, IT'S THE NEXT DAMN WEEK!

So those were the 10 easy steps to finding your very own heart murmurs!

So next, Reduced Choices!

My previous post stated that I couldn't choose between certain parts. So ATI finally is coming out with some cool shit dual graphics cards solution! It's going to be released in 2 months and it will rival Nvidia like hell! YEA! And AMD also came out with dual cpu systems and stuff! But goddam the dual ATI graphics card and dual AMD cpus DON'T COME TOGETHER IN ONE MOTHERBOARD! OMG! HOW??

Monday, March 07, 2005


I'm going to build a new pc, that's what I think anyway. But after doing some homework and research before selecting parts, I have bumped into two great dilemmas. Let's list the required parts first:

1)ATX/Extended ATX case
2)PSU (power supply unit)
4)CPU (central processing unit)
5)RAM (random access memory)
6)Graphics Card
7)Hard Disks
8)DVD-RAM/DVD-RW burner combo*
9)CD-R/CD-RW burner combo*
10)Floppy disk drive**
11)Cooling Setup**


*Means combined usuage.
** Means optional or already have.

That's about all I can remember currently. So now, the dilemmas are about the CPU and graphics card. Let's start with the CPU because it's damn important. As many of us might know, there are 2 leading companies manufactoring CPUS. These two are AMD (Advanced Micro Devices (I think)) and Intel. Obviously, Intel was the manufactorer of choice until quite recently (1 year?) when AMD came out with their 64 bit processors. These two compete very well in the processor market and here comes the dilemma. Though many laymen (or n00bs or newbs) might decide solely on the clock speeds, it isn't the case now.

AMD Athlon 64 FX-55 is said and reviewed to be the best processor available currently, trashing Intel's processors such as Pentium 4 Extreme Edition. Although I haven't had the cold hard cash to test the difference, I believe this IS the case. Intel hasn't really been releasing REAL new processors recently, except for releasing differently architectured CPUs. An example is the Prescott, which actually doesn't really make a difference in performance, except more heat, and higher prices. I used to support Intel, but now, I can't help but say I might be changing my mind.

I have searched widely and read extensively on different viewpoints of both Intel and AMD. If I went with AMD, I would choose the AMD Athlon 64 FX-55 processor, and if I went with Intel, I would opt to have dual Intel Xeons or Intel Pentium 4 Extreme Edition. In terms of durability, Intel has the upper hand. AMD processors release quite a lot of heat. In terms of price, AMD wins. So, we come back to the main question. WHICH ONE DO I CHOOSE???

Ok. Now the graphics card problem. I support ATI obviously. I bought the X800 Pro for my desktop and it worked wonderfully. At that time, Nvidia's cards were definitely too large, and simultenously, they lost in terms of performance. Now, ATI has spit out the new 512MB ATI Radeon X850 XT Platinum Edition. It's about 300 dollars more expensive than the X800, but not worthwhile if we consider the minimal performance increase. And Nvidia unleashed it's new SLI "technology". SLI stands for "Scalable Link Interface" which allows the user (must have SLI chipset motherboard) to link 2 of their graphics cards together. The graphics cards hence combine the two GPUs' powers and use it to render as 1. Hence, there should be a theoretical increase of 100%. This is damn costly, requiring like 2 of their best graphics cards.

I cannot afford to have SLI. I don't want to waste money buying the X850 XT PE. WHAT SHOULD I DO?

After considering all the above mentioned factors, I have concluded that I should wait for a while more, allowing these companies to release better products before I start buying parts (unless there's a super large sack of cash that suddenly drops into my room).

Sunday, March 06, 2005


Wah went to archery on Friday.. Quite a short session.. Not very nice facilities so a bit sian diao.. I found a nice picture of someone and wanted to post.. But I deleted it after a while. Haha.. Guess the victim is rather relieved...